Nevada Latinos

Nevada Latinos can safely bet on Trump this November

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Nevada Latinos

(Jesus Marquez) – They say that the chances of winning a lottery are about one in 300 million — but Nevada Latinos can win their second jackpot in just four years by re-electing President Trump this November.

Of course, the Latino community in Silver State hasn’t always been this fortunate. When President Obama first got elected, he promised to help Latino families prosper. But despite helping to elect him in 2008, Nevada drew a bust, enduring nearly a decade of economic stagnation, slow business growth, and endless federal regulations. Even without a deadly pandemic putting a freeze on the state’s service industry, Nevada’s unemployment rate hovered in the double digits for more than half of Obama’s entire presidency.

Luckily, the winds of fortune changed with the election of Donald Trump. Even though Nevadans still backed Clinton by a narrow margin in 2016, Latinos in the Silver State have reaped major benefits from the President’s remarkable economic agenda. Thanks to his middle class tax cuts and deregulation, Nevada experienced a major economic boom, adding well over 100,000 new nonfarm jobs prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crucially, much of this economic growth was driven by the prospering Latino community — in Las Vegas, for instance, a whopping 37 percent of small businesses are Hispanic-owned.

“With the hard work, love, and devotion of millions of incredible Hispanic Americans, our country is thriving, our people are prospering, and our future has … never really looked better than it does right now,” President Trump said recently, adding that Latinos “have invigorated our economy, expanded our prosperity, and poured your heart, sweat, and soul into our beloved country.”

While President Trump is completely right about that, there is still room for improvement. Although Nevada makes the top 10 list of states with the fastest job growth, it is ranked 46th in educational attainment. Moreover, Nevada has seen a wide disparity in high school graduation rates between white and minority students in recent years.

To solve this persisting problem, President Trump has recently created the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative to generate new educational and economic growth opportunities for Latino students across the country.

The program will create new career pathways for young professionals — such as apprenticeships and work-based learning initiatives — and provide financial support for Hispanic-Serving Institutions of higher learning, including the College of Southern Nevada. Moreover, the Trump administration has also launched an Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity, which will provide Latino job-seekers with opportunities to attain in-demand employment.

Although Nevada was hit hard by the artificial coronavirus downturn, we’re already bouncing back strong. Last month, our unemployment rate decreased by over 10 percentage points — an unheard-of improvement for a single month.

Presidential elections are often a risky business: too many politicians know how to make colorful speeches, but few have the drive to deliver concrete results. Luckily, the Latino community in Nevada doesn’t have to take risks this November — re-electing President Trump is a guaranteed jackpot that will keep paying out for years to come.

Jesus Marquez is a Conservative Political Strategist and activist born in California. He is the founder and president of MG Strategies, a grassroots political action organization that specializes in Hispanic engagement. He is best known as a political analyst and the host of political radio show “La Voz de Nevada”. He’s been married for 20 years to Krissian Marquez.