(Warner Todd Huston) – Just after AFL-CIO chief Richard Trumka reiterated support for Democrats in the Midterms, President Obama came out today with yet another promise to push the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) — also known as card check — through Congress in the ensuing days.
In an address to the AFL-CIO’s executive committee Obama promised, “we’re going to keep on fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act.”
“Getting EFCA through the Senate will be tough. It’s always been tough, it’ll continue to be tough. But we’ll keep on pushing,” he said.
As The Hill reminds us, Senator Tom Harkin (D, Iowa) promised to try and push the EFCA through in the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress. But Democrats have spent the last year and a half trying, yet unable to pass, the EFCA into law.
A cynical person might assume that Obama is merely gladhanding his union supporters and mouthing what they want to hear all the while knowing that the EFCA is a dead letter.
Unions have been suspicious of the Democrat’s devotion to the EFCA for at least a year and during the recent primaries some unions spoke out against their own former nominees.
Certainly opponents of card check should be ready to defeat a lame-duck attempt to jam this economy killing bill through Congress.