(Chuck Muth) – As of Tuesday, Better Nevada PAC reports, only six bills have been passed by the Democrat-controlled Nevada Legislature, including three gun-control measures (see item below for happy update on THAT!).
The PAC notes that at the same point in the 2019 session – when the Democrat-controlled Legislature had Democrat Steve “Shutdown” Sisolak in the governor’s chair – 54 bills had passed.
Dems clearly fear the veto pen. Ah, the difference a Republican governor makes.
On the other hand, said Dems are slow-walking Gov. Joe Lombardo’s bills – including bills to make schools safer, to give parents more choice in education, cracking down on crime, and making key, common-sense reforms to the state’s election laws.
Oh, and the games these people play!
They’ve introduced a watered-down version (AB285) of the governor’s school safety bill and now say there’s not enough time to hear both.
Not enough time?
Let’s go back to the beginning. At this point in 2019, 54 bills had been heard, voted on and passed. This year, only six. Yet the Dems claim they haven’t had enough time to hold a hearing on the governor’s bill? What BS.
Here’s what’s really going on…
Soft-on-crime Democrats passed a “restorative justice” bill in 2019 that strictly limits a schools’ ability to kick out misbehaving, and sometimes violent, students. It backfired big time. The public knows it. And is demanding change.
But Dems don’t want Lombardo to get credit for fixing something the Dems broke.
So they’re blowing the governor off and getting behind a “weak tea” alternative so they can take credit for what Lombardo originally proposed as part of his “getting sh*t done” agenda.
Petty, partisan politics. And certainly not in line with the wisdom of the late, great President Ronald Reagan who famously said, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”
In trying to justify the Dems’ obstruction of the governor’s bill, Assemblywoman Shondra Summers-Armstrong complained that there was “no plan, no solid plan, for what we do with those children when they are expelled from school.”
Um…not my problem.
Students may have a right to an education, but not a right to interfere with the rights of other kids in school who are denied their right to an education by the disruptive students.
Rights come with responsibilities. And if a kid refuses to behave in the classroom, then it’s the parents’ problem in getting them educated, not the rest of us. If they don’t want their kid kicked out, then drop the hammer on them.
Hey, mom and dad, they’re YOUR kids, not mine. YOU deal with them, not me.
This Just In…
As I was wrapping up this edition of Muth’s Truths, it was announced that Gov. Lombardo had vetoed three of the Democrats’ gun control bills.
“Governor Lombardo heard your opposition and vetoed Assembly Bill 354, Assembly Bill 355 and Senate Bill 171 almost as soon as they hit his desk,” the Nevada Firearms Coalition noted in a statement.
“I will not support legislation that infringes on the constitutional rights of Nevadans,” Lombardo wrote in announcing the vetoes. “Therefore, I cannot support them.”
Ah, the difference a Republican governor makes!
One of those bills (SB171) was introduced by the poster-child for soft-on-crime social justice reforms, Sen. Dallas Harris (D-Clark). Her bill “would have prevented a gun purchase for anyone convicted of a hate crime in the last 10 years.”
In short, the bill would have stripped a constitutional right from people who run afoul of the “thought police.” As Janine Hansen of Nevada Families for Freedom notes…
“Hate crimes are totally subjective, subject to political interpretation and therefore very dangerous. For instance, a 19-year-old woman was arrested in Utah for hate crimes for stepping on a ‘Back the Blue’ sign in the presence of a deputy sheriff.
“If not for the ‘hate crime’ loophole, the woman would clearly be protected under the First Amendment. If there is a violent crime committed, it is already against the law and we should not put dangerous subjective hate crimes into our statutes.”
Thank goodness we have a Second Amendment champion in the governor’s office now. We all know darned well Sisolak would have signed all three bills.
And If That’s Not Good Enough News…
Steve Sebelius of the Las Vegas Review-Journal broke news this morning that Gov. Lombardo’s chief-of-staff confirmed that the governor “will veto the state budget if his priorities aren’t addressed.”
As Kurt Russell put it so eloquently in the movie Tombstone, “You called down the thunder, well now you’ve got it!”
So much for all the chirping and caterwauling from some conservative quarters that Lombardo was “weak” and “caving in” to the Democrats’ obstruction. They had no idea what the governor would or wouldn’t do, but bellyached anyway.
As my friend Randy Mackie of the Nevada Firearms Coalition put it this morning, “Those who know don’t talk, and those who talk don’t know.”
But watch those same know-nothings now try to take credit for “forcing” the governor to do what he clearly was already prepared to do.
“Governor @JoeLombardoNV has 5 bills to address education, public safety, election integrity, government efficiency, and school safety and NONE of them are being put up for a vote. Nevada Democrats would rather these bills die than address these bi-partisan issues that would help ALL Nevadans.” – Courtney Holland
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com. You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com. His views are his own.