- Some of you don’t like Lombardo because you blame him for October 1. That makes very little sense. Lombardo didn’t pull the trigger, a madman did. Every part of the Metro investigation has been made public. The only part of the investigation that has been clouded with secrecy is the FBI’s investigation. Why do you blame Lombardo for that but not the FBI? Honestly, it makes no sense.
- Some of you claim you don’t like Lombardo because someone you know, who worked for Metro, doesn’t like him. Ok, fine. Let me ask you this then, how many folks do you know who left a job who have kind things to say about the boss?
- Others of you have issue with Lombardo for other petty reasons, like insisting he’s a democrat because he’s donated to dems before. However, many of you had no problem with Joey Gilbert , who also donated to democrats. If that’s your reason for not supporting Lombardo, you’re a hypocrite.
- Finally, to any republican refusing to support Lomabrdo, you really need to ask yourself, would you rather have Sisolak for another 4 years? You don’t want a republican governor to veto democrat bills that will defund the police, end the death penalty, make access to abortions easier, restrict second amendment rights and more. You have more faith in Sisolak than Lombardo? If that’s the case, let me be clear, you lack basic intelligence and common sense.
- Sandoval vetoed 40+ bills in the last year of his governorship. In 2021, Sisolak vetoed only 4 bills. Whether you like Sandoval or not, it is essential to have a Republican in the governor’s office to maintain checks and balances…edit how you like, but I think it’s important to end with this comparison.
You don’t have to vote for candidates you don’t like in many races, because they don’t matter. Who cares who the Treasurer or Controller is, they have little to no power. Races that are up every two years are ones we can win next time, so I don’t care if you refuse to vote for a Republican you don’t like in the Assembly or even Congress. HOWEVER, our next governor matters and you should want the most conservative candidate of the two options to win, and there is no doubt, that’s Joe Lombardo.
So, stop your whining, and get on Team Joe. We can win this race! Every republican, every business owner, every parent should want Sisolak out. And if you don’t want him out, quit calling yourself a Republican, because you aren’t one. |