(Dr. Joe Heck) – Dina Titus continues to put the special interests of the Democratic National Party ahead of the people of Southern Nevada. Dina’s continued support of the Pelosi public option fits her voting trend of backing her party bosses 97% of the time.
The lack of understanding by Washington DC politicians on this critical issue is astounding. Dina Titus and Nancy Pelosi continue to push government control over our healthcare decisions and it is a dangerous path for Nevadans. Nationalized healthcare will eliminate patient choices, strain the relationship between physicians and patients, further ration care for those who need it most, increase the cost of healthcare, and jeopardize the health and safety of Nevadans.
Every American supports honest healthcare reforms that will make healthcare more affordable and accessible. If Dina Titus would stand up to her trial lawyer cronies and begin an honest discussion that includes tort reform and putting an end to the practice of defensive medicine she could become a leader in this debate. Instead, Dina Titus cow-tows to ambulance-chasing lawyers and liberal San Francisco politicians.
Solving American's healthcare woes will not come from creating a back-door to a single payer system. It will come from honest, sincere reforms that put patients in charge of their decisions. In Congress I will work every day to create and promote policies that protect the sanctity of the doctor/patient relationship, improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. Nevada needs true leadership and I am committed to getting the job done.
(Dr. Heck is a Republican candidate for Nevada’s third congressional district)