(NN&V Staff) – Anthony Warren and Chuck Muth have switched positions in the newly-formed Organized Labor Party of Nevada (OLP), with Warren taking on the role of party chairman and Muth moving to vice chairman, effective immediately.
“I already have a full-time gig running Citizen Outreach and publishing Nevada News and Views,” Muth explained. “In order to qualify the OLP as a real party, unlike that faux Tea Party Scott Ashjian tried to establish this year, a lot of time and effort will required over the coming months. I don’t have that time; Tony does.”
The OLP needs to gather enough signatures over the next year to allow it to place candidates on the ballot in 2012 without the candidates having to go out and collect signatures for their individual races.
Individuals may join the OLP and serve as officers of the party without registering to vote with the OLP party; however, only OLP-registered individuals can run for office as an OLP candidate. “Unlike law-breaker Ashjian,” Muth adds, “we’ll require our candidates to register with the party before they file their statement of candidacy, not after. No political bigamy allowed here.”
Warren is the Security Director of a large Las Vegas-based construction company. Transferring from Colorado to Nevada with Brown & Root, Tony has been a Nevada resident since 1989. He retired from the mining industry in 2000 and completed his college education at Great basin College in Elko, NV and at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, CO.
A life-long Republican, Mr. Warren was motivated to become active politically in 2008, joining several Tea Party groups and the Clark County Republican Party Central committee. Elected to the office of Precinct Captain, Mr. Warren represents Clark County and continues working for conservative values as a member of the Nevada Republican Party Central Committee.
As a tea party Activist, Mr. Warren attended the first Las Vegas Tax Day Tea Party at Sunset Park and continues to recruit conservative and independent activists to join the Clark County Republican Party. An original founder of the National Precinct Alliance, The United States Patriots Union and the Nevada Patriots, Tony remains active in tea party politics, administering the 900-member Facebook group “Tea Party Central-Nevada,” formerly knows as the “Reject Reid” Facebook group.
“It’s exactly like herding cats” Warren says, but points to the unprecedented successes in the 2010 elections. “Not bad for only being somewhat organized for less than two years.”
Husband, father and grandfather of five, Mr. Warren lives in Las Vegas with his wife, Mimi. With the exception of one son “Bud,” the rest of the family is scattered from the California coast to the New Jersey shore; north to Montana and south to Florida.