(NN&V Staff) – Americans for Tax Reform delivered a letter today to Speaker Boehner calling for a vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment that includes a super majority to increase taxes. Citizen Outreach, a local grassroots advocacy organization, was a signatory on that letter, along with 30 other local and national and organizations. Together those organizations represent millions of ordinary Americans that believe the problem with the Federal Government is excess spending, not lack of revenue.
“The federal government is out of control. We are spending at a reckless pace,” commented Dan Burdish, CEO of Citizen Outreach. “Washington spends over 40% more than they did 50 years ago as a percentage of the gross domestic product, yet revenues, as a percentage of gross domestic production, are comparable. Spending is definitely the problem, not revenue.”
As part of the compromise to get the debt ceiling increased Congress agreed to allow an up or down vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment. If a super majority is not required for tax increases the 31 signatories of the letter believe Congress will increase taxes instead of reducing spending.
“Raising taxes in the midst of this recession is not the answer,” continued Burdish. “Employers, taxpayers and entrepreneurs know what Senator Reid and the liberals in Congress refuse to acknowledge, the federal government is out of control,” concluded Burdish.
The letter states, in part:
Unless tax hikes are taken off the table, reckless lawmakers will increase taxes to pay for these new bloated spending levels, rather than bring spending in line with revenues. A “clean” BBA provides the excuse big spenders seek to raise taxes and grow government.
Any lawmaker committed to restoring American solvency cannot seriously vote for a BBA that does not include a super-majority requirement for tax increases. Thus, on the behalf of millions of taxpayers represented by our organizations, we ask you to consider a strong Balanced Budget Amendment with these protections before the Budget Control Act deadline.
The organizations signing the letter are:
The 60 Plus Association
Americans Civil Rights Union
American Family Business Institute
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Carleson Center for Public Policy
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Citizens' Alliance for Life and Liberty
Citizens for the Republic
Citizen Outreach
Club for Growth
CNP Action, Inc.
Concerned Women for America
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Cost of Government Center
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Florida Center-Right Coalition
Georgia Center-Right Coalition
Less Government
Let Freedom Ring
Maryland Taxpayers Association
Michigan Center-Right Coalition
New Mexico Center-Right Coalition
North Dakota Taxpayers' Association
North East Ohio Center-Right Coalition
ReAL Action
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
The Taxpayer Association of Oregon
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.