A Nevada News & Views reader wrote in with concerns about former Carson City Mayor Ray Masayko, who is currently running for the Capital District State Senate seat soon to be vacated by the term-limited incumbent, Republican Sen. Mark Amodei.
“Regarding Ray Maysako,” the writer began. “About 15 years ago, we voted against a 1/4 percent sales tax increase to pay for the V&T railroad link to Carson City. They said that the project would be so successful that it would pay for itself in five years. Those of us who voted against the project said that if it would pay for itself that fast, then private industry would jump at the chance to make such a huge profit. The bill was voted down.
“A few years ago, under Ray, the council voted a 1/8 percent sales tax increase without taking it to the voters. When I called Ray to tell him that it had already been voted down by the people, his reply was that the people voted down a 1/4 percent increase and what the council voted on was a 1/8 percent increase.”
So as someone intensely interested in all stories of Republicans who support tax hikes, I wrote to Mr. Masayko about the accusation. Here’s his response:
“I'm pleased to report that your reader is TOTALLY CONFUSED about who did what regarding the 1/8 percent sales tax imposed in Carson City for the V&T Railroad.
“It was Mayor MARV TEIXEIRA (Mayor from 2005 through 2008) who made those statements and who proposed and voted to implement the sales tax without a vote of the citizens of Carson City. As a matter of fact I told Mayor Teixeira personally that raising the sales tax without a vote of the people to support the V&T would force Ray Masayko to no longer actively work toward securing public-private partnerships, because the project was becoming ‘just another taxpayer-supported personal legacy, public works project!’ And, that's where I stand today!
“As a side note, the tax-and-spend Marv Teixeira and Board of Supervisors, didn't have the guts to impose the additional 1/8 percent sales tax allowed under state law themselves (which was enabled in the 2005 session by none other than State Sen. Mark Amodei.) The 1/8 percent was placed on the 2008 general election ballot, where it was soundly defeated by the voters of Carson City. Yours truly among those who publicly opposed and personally voted against the ‘additional unwise use of taxing authority!’
“I hope you'll pass on my response to your reader and extend my invitation to have them contact me directly (raym4statesenate@att.net or 75-882-4661) for additional information. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to set the record straight.”
Hey, that’s what we’re here for, Mr. Mayor!