(Mark Noonan) – So, the Mayor of Reno, alleged Republican Bob Cashell, thinks that Sharron Angle is “too wild” to be our Senator? This is dove tailing with the Reid campaign meme that Sharron Angle, our Republican nominee, is too much of a “whack job” to be our Senator. This is all very interesting.
I some times wonder about those who are deeply entrenched in political life – like Cashell, who is seeking yet another four years of living off the public dime. What are they really on about?
When Cashell first became mayor of Reno, the unemployment rate was less than 5%. Now its all the way up to 13.5%. Cashell has presided over an economic catastrophe in Reno. I've been up there, and its sad to see all the closed businesses, foreclosed houses. The wrecked dreams of hard working Nevadans who put their trust in people like Cashell and Reid, and who have now been betrayed.
Sharron Angle is a whack job? Well, then was it Cashell's calm, cool, collected leadership which brought Reno to the brink of collapse? Or was it Reid's sensible, reasonable leadership which crafted a Nevada unemployment rate of more than 14%?
Our nation faces a mountain of debt and the risk in just a few years of national bankruptcy. It really has gotten bad and Reid's only response has been to spend more, tax more, regulate more – as if the cure for snake bite was to drink poison. Cashell's position is that what Nevada needs is six more years of what Reid has given us for 24.
That isn't smart. That isn't reasonable. But if some how or another Reid does represent sensible government, then I say it's time for a bit of craziness in DC. Perhaps even someone, like Angle, crazy enough to think that the people should be in charge.