Action is Brewing on Raggio Replacement Decision

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(Debbie Landis/Action is Brewing) – Early last year, AIB correctly predicted that Nevada State Senator William Raggio would wait until after the mid term elections and then retire.

The second half of our prediction was that the Washoe County Commission would then appoint former Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert, a long time Raggio protégé, to the vacated senate seat.

Now that Ms. Gansert has been appointed to the position of Chief of Staff to Governor Brian Sandoval, that seems unlikely… although not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Senator William Raggio has represented the people of Nevada in one capacity or another since 1972, and AIB would like to sincerely thank him for his dedication to public service during the early years of his reign. We strongly agree that now is an excellent time to bid him goodbye; his old school style of spend and borrow and his dedication to special interest has most recently been far more of a burden than a benefit to Nevada's economy.

The Washoe County Commission is responsible for appointing a replacement for Senate District 3

Help the Washoe County Commission make the best decision possible when choosing a replacement for the open seat in SD 3.

The selected replacement must reflect Nevada values and benefit families and small businesses above all else.

Breternitz, John / Commissioner, District 1
Telephone: 775-328-2005

Humke, David / Commissioner, District 2 (Chairman)
Telephone: 775-328-2005

Jung, Kitty / Commissioner, District 3
Telephone: 775-328-2005

Larkin, Robert / Commissioner, District 4
Telephone: 775-328-2005

Weber, Bonnie / Commissioner, District 5 (Vice Chairman)
Telephone: 775-328-2005


What: Washoe County Commission Meeting
When: January 11, 2011 / 10:00 a.m.
Where: WCC Chambers 1001 E. 9th Street, 1st Floor, Reno, NV

AGENDA – Addendum, Item #40 (page 10): Discussion and direction regarding the process and timing for filling vacancy in Washoe Senate District 3 (the Board will not be filling the vacancy on January 11, 2011)

Please plan on attending!

Ask the county commission to refrain from considering any individual currently holding political office in Nevada.

Voters heard from and decided who would best represent them for each office in Nevada. To hold a political office is to accept the responsibility for public service and in fulfilling the promises made during a campaign. Not one elected official ran on the platform of “unless a better offer for personal advancement comes along”.

Urge Washoe County Commissioners to reject any politician seeking to abandon their responsibilities while simultaneously creating an additional burden of another seat to fill.

While Mayor Bob Cashell found it necessary to issue a statement saying he will not be seeking an appointment to SD 3, it wouldn't surprise us if such an arrangement had been discussed prior to the creation of a Republicans for Reid group. Now is the time to send a message that the corruption of the status quo good ole' boys network in Northern Nevada is no longer acceptable for business as usual. Elected officials are selected by voters, from the bottom up. Top down manipulation to ensure continued power and profitability is abusive, corrupt, and should be criminal.

It is imperative that the appointee to SD 3 be an independent thinker, the rubber stamp mentality of partisan politics has gone on long enough. We need brains, bravery, and a belief in Nevada that inspires the strength a senator will need to empower taxpayers and small businesses by working smarter, not harder. The County Commissioners need your input to choose that replacement.

Bio's will be provided this weekend for the four candidates we've found that we believe meet the criteria for a healthier Nevada.

• Bernie Carter
• Mike Dillon, Jr.
• Joan Lambert
• Patty Cafferata

Please use the County Commissioner contact information above to ask Bonnie, John, Bob, Kitty, and David to make this decision based on qualifications and planning, not friends, family, or favors. Be sure to let them know you are opposed to the appointment of any acting elected official to SD 3.