Amid Fiscal Challenges, Students Struggle to Foot the Bill

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(Mark Ciavola) – The UNLV College Republicans today are thanking College of Southern Nevada Student Body President J.T. Creedon for drawing attention to a much over-looked problem in Governor Sandoval’s proposed education budget: Students’ lack of funds for new footwear.

During the contentious student protest in Carson City last week to Governor Sandoval’s budget, Mr. Creedon held his shoe up to the crowd explaining that a hole was the result of his financial inability to buy a new pair of shoes. Creedon lays the blame for his diminished checking account on a Governor who has served less than 90 days in office and is still in talks with the legislature regarding the state’s budget crisis.

“Until the rally, we believed it was the responsibility of the Governor to put the state’s fiscal house back in order,” said Mark Ciavola, president of the UNLVCRs. “But, now that we have seen the true horror of worn-out Birkenstocks the Governor’s proposed budget is creating for students across our state, we can no longer stand on the sidelines making sound economic arguments for a balanced budget.”

In response to the footwear crisis facing students in the Silver State, members of the UNLV College Republicans have, despite these trying times, generously stepped forward to donate several pairs of shoes to Mr. Creedon, which will be delivered to his office at CSN today.

In addition to arguing against fiscal discipline, Creedon is also publicly advocating for individual fiscal irresponsibility as well. Earlier this month Creedon revealed in a Twitter post that, despite claiming he could not afford new shoes, he was planning to purchase table seating at an upcoming Bad Religion concert.

“It is plain to see that the leader of the CSN student body is willing to put his money where his mouth is, but not where his feet are. Not only does he encourage the state government to spend money it doesn’t have, but he is willing to show them how it’s done.” Ciavola added, “If Creedon continues with this kind of bold leadership, he will be a shoe-in for future political office.”