Angle and Ralston and Muth and Misfit Toys, Oh My!

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(Casey Hendrickson) – My criticism of the Angle campaign early on caught a lot of flak. Now we are getting confirmation that I have been right all along.

Chuck Muth has confirmed some of what I wrote about the other day. He's also added a few tidbits of new information. There appears to be a triumvirate of evil (Ralston, Muth, and myself) that are exposing the ‘Island of Misfit Toys.' We each seem to be trying to one up each other.

Well, allow me to raise them one.

Not only did the Angle campaign have a horrendously stupid three hour training program for volunteers, but they actually turned away a bus load of veterans from Arizona who wanted to volunteer. These veterans took time out of their weekend to travel to Vegas to work the phones for Angle, but they were turned away because they hadn't attended the ludicrous three hour training seminar. And the ‘Island of Misfit Toys' wants you to think it was the ‘DC handlers' that cost Angle the election.

I have so much more to add to this saga, but I'm having too much fun seeing what Ralston and Muth dig up.

(Mr. Hendrickson is co-host of the Casey & Heather Show in Las Vegas)