(Tom Motherway) – Those of you who attended the Reno Lincoln Day dinner last Saturday evening had a chance to witness a major Angle donor shake a finger in Sharron Angle's face telling her not to run! The few who stood around Sharron were aghast!
While recent Reno Gazette-Journal press cover suggested Sharron had an even chance at the nomination, reader comments were overwhelmingly negative to her candidacy. A knowledgeable Republican insider from Las Vegas told me that she could split the party so much that the seat gets handed to a Democrat!
I've blogged (http://hayekgroup.org), Tweeted and commented on Facebook urging her not to run but to support competitive candidates. I think it's important that all us true tea partiers, conservatives and Republicans write op-eds, letters to the editors, and other NV blog commentary asking Sharron to reconsider her congressional bid.
• She would not have had the senate nomination without OUTSIDE money from Club for Growth.
• She needed OUTSIDE money from Tea Party Express to get
• She ran a horrible campaign with extremely bad, bush-
league people.
• She is a perennial campaigner and perennial loser.
• We will have a competitive conservative field of candidates without her.
• She may split conservatives at the primary level.
• Anybody but Angle will have more appeal to independents in the general election, simply because she has the “nut” image.
• In short, a vote for Sharron is a vote to support Obama; since she is likely to get a Democrat elected as she did with Harry!
Please write, blog, comment, and email extensively. ANYBODY BUT ANGLE. Lets keep conservatives relevant, not on the fringe!