(Michael Chamberlain/Nevada Business Coalition) – Last night [April 19], in a long, heated meeting of the Assembly Committee of the Whole, Assembly Republicans stood in unison in opposition to tax increases and in support of the budget presented by Governor Brian Sandoval. The meeting ended as many predicted, which is good for those who oppose increasing the tax burden on Nevada’s businesses and families.
Earlier this session, all 10 Senate Republicans had signed a letter supporting the governor’s budget. The Assembly Republican caucus had refused to do so, which, when combined with statements indicating their willingness to trade certain reforms for tax increases, led to questions about the ability of the causes to stick together in opposition to raising taxes.
As the Nevada News Bureau reported,
In the end, all 16 Assembly Republicans voted in a symbolic motion to support a motion last night to pass Gov. Brian Sandoval’s recommended budget. All 26 Assembly Democrats opposed the motion.
The Las Vegas Sun’s report provides an example of the public perception problems associated with taking a stance against raising taxes.
The night vacillated between Democrats appearing to flat out beg Republicans to meet them halfway on the budget and Republicans appearing obstinate in their refusal to even consider it.
Liberals beg to be met halfway, conservatives are obstinate. The media’s version of criticizing both sides – conservatives are evil, greedy and heartless while liberals are just too darn nice for their (and our) own good.
In spite of all of the efforts to get them to crack, the entire Republican caucus in the Assembly refused to give in and agree to raise taxes.
Assembly Republicans deserve to be applauded for standing up for conservative principles and standing their ground.
(Michael Chamberlain is Executive Director of Nevada Business Coalition.)