Diane Burnett from the Election Integrity Project is urging voters to be aware of irregularities during the early voting process. She has sent this e-mail to various groups asking them pass along the information. We do so here as a service to our readers. – Ed.
The primary election early voting is now under way. Many of you have received your absentee Vote-By-Mail (VBM) ballot. We have had reports that some voters have received multiple or duplicate ballots or a ballot for a deceased family member. In an effort to help clean up voter registration roll discrepancies we are asking for your assistance in this matter. If you are aware of this problem, either first hand or from a friend or family member, would you please make a photocopy of each side of each Absentee Ballot return envelope received, scan and forward them to diane@nvcleanupthevote.com ASAP.
Alternatively, if you are unable to photocopy, scan and email them, you may send your copies to Election Integrity Project at 1641 E. Sunset Ste B106-7 Las Vegas, NV 89119. Please include your contact information (name, address, email, phone), and any specific details regarding this situation which will better help us act on the information.
Look at your sample ballots carefully! Multiple or Duplicate Ballot Discrepancies can result in, but are not limited to, the following:
- change of party without authorization
- maiden name / married name
- old address / new address
- multiple ballots to same person
- ballots to your home of people you don't know
- ballots of people who used to live in your home
- ballots of deceased loved ones
- ballots outside of your County as well
Even just one letter off in the spelling of your name can constitute someone voting with ‘your name.'
Remember: Voting more than once is a felony, punishable by law! Work with Election Integrity Project to keep voting rolls accurate and the integrity of the system strong. Your Vote is your Voice! Please feel free to forward this email to your groups, friends, and family.
Thank you again for your help. If you have any questions, or see anything else we need to be aware of, please call us at 702-526-5436.