Bill Parson a True Oath Keeper

(Faith Leighton) – Who is Bill Parson? In short, Bill is a man who has dedicated his life in service of our great nation. As a United States Marine, he swore an oath to protect America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Even though Bill retired from military service, he still takes that oath very, very seriously.

I had a chance to chat with Bill the other evening about why he is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Harry Reid for the great state of Nevada. The simple answer is the man just flat loves his country and the Constitution on which it was founded. But let’s get into some specifics…

My first question was pretty simple. I wanted to know what Bill saw as the greatest problem facing our nation. His answer was immediate and to the point…our government is out of control in its growth. He went on to explain that, in his view, all roads lead back to that one issue. I thought about it for a minute and realized that Bill was absolutely right. Simply put, we need to hold our government accountable, and demand that our elected officials respect the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. It’s time to put the big, fat genie back in the bottle.

His next statement was not something I expected but was certainly very refreshing to hear. Bill told me that he believes in not only the sovereignty of the states but the United States as a nation. What caught me off guard was just that it sounded funny. What American wouldn’t believe in the sovereignty of our nation, right? Well, as Bill pointed out, we need to really be paying attention to some of the proposed international treaties being considered by our government. Do they threaten our sovereignty as a nation and further restrict our individual rights under the Constitution, say for instance, the 2nd Amendment? What about treaties involving the alleged global warming/climate change?

As a Marine, Bill Parson defended the United States against our foreign enemies. As a United States Senator, Bill wants to protect America’s sovereignty as a nation. Protecting Nevada’s sovereignty will be a given under his plan to shrink the federal government by 60% over ten (10) years. But just to make doubly sure, Bill signed a pledge to uphold the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Bill believes that the interests of the United States are not well served by our current level of participation in the United Nations. He goes on to say that not only has the U.N. proven to be a completely ineffective entity, it is replete with corrupt and self-serving representatives and appointed leaders. Frankly, Bill thinks the United States should abandon our participation in the United Nations altogether for a whole bunch of reasons not the least of which is it costs us a serious chunk of change annually to fund a budget over which we have virtually no control (Can I get a HOO-HA!?). When you think about it though, doesn’t that scenario sound eerily familiar? Wait a minute…it’ll come to me…ah yes. Sounds a lot like our own government lately, huh? Well, if the shoe fits…right?

It’s easy to point out what is wrong. After all, hindsight is 20/20. How many candidates out there actually have solutions to the problems? Well, Bill definitely has solutions! They are well-reasoned and warrant your time to review. To read about Bill’s position on just about every major issue of our time, please visit his website at After having talked with him about issues that personally concern me, such as healthcare, energy independence, the economy, national security, and even social security…I am convinced this man will be a very effective leader for the state of Nevada and our nation as a whole.

I don’t know about you, but one of my biggest beefs with our government today is their arrogance. They are so out of touch with the regular American. Whatever happened to SERVING your country…making sacrifices? Our elected officials today act like a monarchy…they refuse to listen to We The People and try to convince us that what they are doing is for our own good…clearly we are too stupid to know what’s best for us. Surely the government must take care of us. ENOUGH already!

God, Country, Corps…Marines live by this motto. Bill Parson is a true citizen candidate who sees the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and reveres the document they penned…the Constitution. He believes in way, way smaller government, a balanced federal budget, energy independence, and a free-market economy. He offers real solutions to the problems facing our nation and the state of Nevada.

(Ms. Leighton is president of The American Center for Constitutional Government and writes for the The Federalist Pages blog)


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