Black Thursday for Clark County GOP

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(Chuck Muth) – The Clark County Republican Party suffered a severe blood-letting at an emergency late-night Executive Board meeting on Thursday which ended up in mass resignations.

I wasn’t there in person, so the following comes from first-hand reports from stringers and direct conversations and emails with some on the players.

Many of the senior officers of the Clark County Republican Central Committee officially resigned their positions last night, including Chairman Richard Scotti, who advised in a press release after the meeting that he will now be joining the Sandoval for Governor campaign.

“It is imperative that Republicans maintain control of the Governorship,” Scotti said announcing his resignation. “I am leaving to work towards that goal. As the Clark County Campaign Coordinator (for Brian Sandoval), I will be able to effectively engage in fundraising activities, precinct walking, voter registration and GOTV efforts.”

Scotti’s dignified resignation message, however, can’t disguise the turmoil within the organization. If not for the ongoing dissension being caused by passionate but inexperienced newcomers in the organization, Scotti never would have considered moving on. As it is, the now-former chairman will be able to direct his time and energy to far more productive activities.

But Scotti wasn’t the only one to cash in his chips last evening.

Also reportedly throwing in the towel en masse were party Treasurer Swadeep Nigam, Secretary Heather Kydd, Finance Director Christine DeCorte, Communications Director Ron Futrell, and Board members Melody Howard, Norm Yeager and Martha Kimple.

The Clark County GOP has been a house divided and unable to get its act together since former Chairman Bernie Zadrowski retired in June and tea party activists, meet-uppers, Ron Paulers and 912’ers gained operational control of the CCRCC and set out to purge “the old guard” in a manner reminiscent of the French Revolution, but without the bloodshed (yet).

Last night’s chaos occurred just a week after the majority of the organization’s Executive Board voted not to allow yours truly to host a fundraising event for the organization at my home. Among the reasons given: I’m not a registered Republican. Apparently if you’re not a member of their club, you’re not even allowed to help their club.

In addition, the insurgents proposed a new rule last evening which would effectively cut in half the number of Republicans who would be allowed to participate in the party’s biannual convention.

“The proposed rules for convention want to change the rules from 1 delegate for every 50 registered Republican voters in a precinct, to 1 delegate for every 100 registered Republican voters,” former Board member Melody Howard explained in an email. “This effectively excludes potential participation by voters at large.”

Making matters worse, the “newbies” aren’t just flogging veteran activists and outsiders; they’re now turning on some of their own. We're talking Lord of the Flies stuff here, folks.

The Tea-Party-in-Paradise now falls into the inexperienced hands of Vice Chairman Bob Ruckman. Elections to fill all the new vacancies will be held next month.

All as the winds of change are beginning to blow in the GOP’s direction.

But as usual, Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity.