BREAKING: Election Eve Polling Results for Nevada’s CD3 Race

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(Chuck Muth) – I just obtained brand new polling results aren’t going to make “Little Dan” Schwartz very happy.  For the record…

     “Clout Research conducted a survey of likely GOP Primary voters in Nevada’s Third Congressional District regarding the upcoming race for the GOP nomination for Congress. The telephone survey was conducted June 5-6, 2020, and included interviews with respondents reached on both landlines and mobile phones. The survey carries a confidence interval of 95% and a margin of error of +/- 4.22 percentage points.”

Some highlights for the two leading GOP candidates in the primary…

“Big Dan” Rodimer has a 55% favorable / 24% unfavorable rating.

“Little Dan” Schwartz has the mirror opposite: 30% favorable / 49% unfavorable.

Worse for “Little Dan,” on the if-you-were-voting-today horse race question, 40% said Rodimer and just 17% said Schwartz.


Not a very good return on investment for the $579,448.61 “Little Dan” reports lending to his campaign.

The good news for Schwartz is that if he actually does get 17% of the vote, that’ll be 8 percentage points higher than what he got in his failed GOP primary for governor against Adam Laxalt in the 2018 election.

So he’s making progress.

Well, OK…not really.

In his first run for Congress in the 2012 GOP primary, Little Dan came in fourth with just 11% of the vote.  Heck, even Ken Wegner beat him by double digits!

He then won his general election race for State Treasurer – after running unopposed in the GOP primary – in the “red wave” election of 2014.

Then again, so did pretty much every other Republican.  Remember, Democrat turnout was so bad that election cycle that their gubernatorial candidate actually lost in the primary to None of the Above!

And Schwartz still only got 51% of the vote that year.  So…not exactly an electoral colossus.

The fact is, “Little Dan” is not a conservative.  He’s an establishment Republican in the mold of Mitt Romney.  And GOP primary voters know it.  That’s why he’s lost each primary he’s been in BIG TIME.

Tomorrow won’t be three time’s the charm.  It’ll be three strikes, you’re out.

Nevada’s Mail-In Election: By the Numbers

From what I gather, 1,829,050 ballots were automatically mailed to registered voters throughout the state of Nevada for this year’s Nevada primary.

Of those, around 250,000 were returned by the post office as “undeliverable” – mostly ballots stupidly mailed to “inactive” voters by Clark County.

What a waste of money.

Worse, despite the ease of mail-in voting, turnout is still likely to be less than 25%.

So after you deduct the ¼-million ballots that weren’t delivered, you have about 1.5 million voters who were mailed ballots automatically.  And of those, less than 400,000 will be returned.

Which means we mailed ballots to over ONE MILLION voters who didn’t vote.

What a waste of money.  That said…

Look, I think Republican Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske made a hasty decision, based on the environment of panic Gov. Steve Sisolak created, in ordering an all-mail statewide primary election.

But that does NOT mean she’s a RINO or doing the bidding of DC Democrats. So knock that crap off.

I’ve known and worked with Barbara for over 25 years now.  She’s a good person, a good Republican and a good conservative who, in my opinion, made an error in judgment under difficult circumstances.

So please put the Cegavske effigies back in the closet.  We have a general election to worry about now.  And I seriously doubt she’ll make the same mistake twice.

2020 Tax Pledge Signers in Nevada

CD02: Mark Amodei
CD03: Dan Rodimer
CD03: Mindy Robinson
CD04: Lisa Sutton
CD04: Jim Marchant
CD04: Sam Peters
CD04: Rebecca Wood
CD04: Charles Navarro
SD11: Joshua Dowden
AD02: Jim Small
AD02: Heidi Kasama
AD02: Erik Sexton
AD04: Richard McArthur
AD07: Tony Palmer
AD10: Jonathan Friedrich
AD15: Stan Vaughn
AD19: Annie Black
AD26: Lisa Krasner
AD31: Jill Dickman
AD31: Sandra Linares
AD36: Joe Bradley
AD37: Andy Matthews
AD38: Robin Titus
AD39: Jim Wheeler
AD40: Day Williams


“Wanna de-escalate violent protests & looting? Don't defund the police. Defund the public defender's office. Force the rioters & looters to pay for their own lawyers instead of sticking taxpayers with their legal expenses.” – Chuck Muth