(Mike Montandon) – As Jon Ralston pointed out after my campaign’s April Fools release of the website Who Is Brian Sandoval, “[Montandon] is having fun”.
The issue of Brian Sandoval campaigning like a conservative is disconcerting and deserved attention. We approached the situation with levity, but Sandoval’s stance on major issues that matter to conservatives needs to be addressed.
While it is hard to condense conservatism into a few solid principles; below are the basic values that define conservatism and are supported by the majority of Nevadans. Those principles include:
• Preservation of our country as a Constitutional Republic, and of the Constitution and the founding principles themselves.
• Belief that the free market is the best supplier of economic justice
• A faith in God and universal moral precepts
• Recognition of the Constitutional provisions for limited government with specific duties, and the protection of state rights.
• Recognition of the fundamental rights assured our citizens, including freedom from excessive and unwarranted taxation.
These are the principles I supported as Mayor of North Las Vegas and I will support as your next governor.
In contrast, actions taken in Brian Sandoval’s career raise serious questions as to his conservative credentials. Sandoval’s website is even more revealing by the total absence of any position on issues at all!
A conservative slogan from the past is apt today: “A Choice, Not an Echo.” I support a real conservative choice, a return to conservative principles that made our state and nation great. Brian Sandoval is an echo of the past 10 years of excessive spending, excessive regulation, excessive reliance on failed government policies, and pandering to big money and special interests.
These are the facts – don’t let them fool you.
(Mr. Montandon is a former mayor of North Las Vegas and a Republican candidate for Nevada governor this year)