(Brett Pojunis) – I am honored to write you as the new Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Nevada! The leadership of the Libertarian Party of Nevada (LPNevada) have watched the momentum swing in our favor for some time now, and we have been developing a sustainable model to capitalize on this historical shift in modern politics.
Historically the Libertarian Party has been ineffective in Nevada politics and failed influencing public policy into a more Libertarian direction. The Libertarian Party has not performed the basic functions of a political organization such as getting Libertarians elected, raising the necessary funds to build a strong organization and communicating the Libertarian message. The first step in solving a problem is identifying that there is one. Stated plainly, the Libertarian Party has not proved to be a viable option for Nevada voters.
With that said, since the state convention the newly elected leadership has been working overtime to change this by building a strong foundation and infrastructure to significantly grow the Libertarian Party in Nevada. Additionally, our goal is to provide a viable alternative to the broken 2-party political system and demonstrating the Libertarian Party is the answer.
Benjamin Franklin said “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” LPNevada leadership has very aggressive, yet obtainable goals and a plan to dramatically grow the Libertarian Party in Nevada. In order to achieve our goals, we need to utilize all assets and resources available while continuing to build our war chest for the battles to come.
Over the next two years we are planning to accomplish the following:
- Fundraising. The LPNevada will significantly increase our fundraising activities over the next two years. Over the past few months we have developed the infrastructure to drastically change how we fundraise. During this time we realized a few very important things. Notably, Libertarians are more than happy to financially support the Party and the advancement of Liberty, but we simply do not ask our members for donations! To compete against the other parties and win, we must have the resources to do so, and every donation will help us achieve our goals.
- Please visit our Contribute page www.lpnevada.org/contribute and support us today!
- Increased Membership & Leaders. The LPNevada needs more members to build a sustainable foundation. We have secured professional membership database tools (CRM) and other technologies to streamline our operations to effectively manage our membership. As we continue to grow, more leadership roles will be available throughout the state and within the counties. In addition, we will provide the training and support to nurture individuals who seek a leadership role so we can thrive as a party. We will utilize data to effectively market to new members and turn registered Libertarians into active members while attracting new ones.
- Please visit our Help Wanted page www.lpnevada.org/help to see which leadership positions available you are interested in and apply today!
- Increased Communications. With the launch of our new website www.LPNevada.org, our social media strategy and the first issue of this newsletter, we are setting out on a path to establish strong communications with our membership, media and the general public.
- Please connect with us through social media by visiting our social media page www.lpnevada.org/social.
- Please forward this newsletter to a friend, refer them to the official website and introduce them to our social media accounts.
- Candidate Recruitment & Training. During the last election cycle, we did poorly recruiting Candidates to run for office, we must do better in the future. LPNevada is dedicated to attracting a large number of Candidates and we will do this by providing the tools and support they need to win. In addition, we need to give Candidates the assurance that they are not running for office on their own. Furthermore, we would like to invest time and resources in serious Candidate and leadership training. Currently, we have invested in technology and data which is available for all qualified Candidates which will help aid in their campaign. We must continue to build support for our Candidates as they are the lifeblood of an organization.
- If you are interested in running for office or learning more about it, please visit our Candidate page www.lpnevada.org/candidates.
- Please visit our new Elected and Appointed office database at run.LPNevada.org to learn more about the offices avaiable.
- If you are not ready to run, or would be interested in volunteering on a campaign, please visit our Get Involved page www.lpnevada.org/get-involved and fill out our Volunteer Form.
- County Party Support & Development. Politics are won and effected at the local level! LPNevada understands this, which is why there is a strong emphasis on establishing new County Parties. We will provide training and support for the counties to help them grow and sustain.
- We need local leadership, if you are interested in starting a County Party, please visit the County Party page www.lpnevada.org/about/county and fill out the form to get started.
- Additional Office Space. LPNevada will need to expand its operations to keep up with continued growth. Additional office space will enable us to mobilize more easily throughout the state and is crucial to getting more organized. Current headquarters are located in Las Vegas, visit the contact us page for more information.
- Additional Staff Members. Other major political parties in Nevada have full time staff members to advance their party, we need to do the same! We love our volunteers, but in order to be competitive, we need to bring in full time and part time staff members who eat, breathe and sleep the Libertarian Party. As we continue to grow our staff, there will be a direct result in additional members, candidates and votes. We also need to give support teams the help they need, manage and answer any questions volunteers may have, recruit Interns, and be available to assist new and returning members.
- Statewide Marketing & Advertising Campaigns. We have a winning message, but even the best products/services need promotion and distribution. LPNevada will organize significant outreach programs and fun and exciting state wide campaigns. As we get more and more people talking to one another, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. We intend to target certain demographics, such as unaffiliated voters (registered voters without a party affiliation) and new voters (first time voters).
- Our ability to make an impact will be a direct result of how much money we can raise. Please support this effort by visiting our Contribute page www.lpnevada.org/contribute and help us today!
- Coalition Building. LPNevada must work with and leverage all organizations within the Liberty Movement. We have already started building relationships with different coalitions throughout the U.S. and Nevada who share our values. Together we can accomplish more than we can alone!
Throughout Nevada we know many voters are Libertarian, they just don't know it yet! These individuals share our views and agree with our principles, but they probably don't know about the Libertarian Party or that we represent their interests and values. Alternatively, we might have turned off potential members due to lack of professionalism and we need to earn back their trust and confidence.
There is no doubt there are challenges ahead, nonetheless our two-year game plan is achievable but we need our membership involved. To summarize, get the support, get the candidates, win the elections, and watch the party grow. That's the plan.
I see a strong future for the Libertarian Party in Nevada and together we will make history! I look forward to serving as your Chairman and I applaud the efforts of the new Executive Committee for participating in this venture.