(Nancy Dallas) – Dale Andrus is a candidate for the Assembly District 33 seat (Elko, part of Humboldt counties), formerly held by Republican John Carpenter (term-limited out). You may learn more about Dale’s background and political views at www.andrus4assembly.com
• You have never run for elective office. Why do you feel you are qualified to run for and serve in the State Assembly? Why do think you have a realistic chance of winning?
I have 30 years in gaming management, and am a businessman. I have been to Carson City the last 3 sessions as a lobbyist. I believe that the voters are tired of sending “Good Old Boys” to the state house.
• Why should the voters in your district elect you over your Primary opponent? Describe your political philosophy.
I feel that the voters want something different in their representative. I am for reducing the current budget, and to do so government must stop spending.
• What are the demographics of your district? What are the greatest concerns of residents in District 33 and how do you intend to address them if elected?
Elko County and part of Humboldt County. 1. Jobs, I will work to build a better climate for business. Oppose all new taxes and work to reduce current taxes.
• Nevada is the largest gold producing state in the country, the third largest in the world. Do you think the mining industry is paying its fair share in support of Nevada’s economy? Elaborate.
I do believe that mining pays a fair amount in taxes. They also donate large amounts to the community charities, schools, and most fund raisers.
• What do you see as the best means of providing sustainable, affordable energy to Nevada? Do you support nuclear energy? Elaborate on this position.
The best way to sustain affordable energy is to allow more coal fired power plants. I am in favor of nuclear power; it is a clean source of power. We should also get Yucca Mountain finished, and then start a recycling plant.
We would be able to store nuclear rods (for a fee), then recycle them and sell them world wide.
• How would you propose to address the issue of Nevada’s growing budget crisis? Will you support the legislatively implemented sun-setting in 2011 of those taxes imposed by the 2009 legislature? Elaborate.
Stop spending and funding new programs. One simple cost saving is to print state documents in English only. This would save millions. I would support all sun-setting on all taxes.
• Does the state need to revise its property tax guidelines? Explain.
I think that the current level is fine. We should look at freezing property tax on seniors.
• What are your views in regards to the federally mandated Real ID program?
I oppose the Real ID; this program is too costly for Nevada. We need to start telling the federal government no to this very thing.
• What is your view in regards to Initiative Petitions? Should the process be more strictly governed, or not? Should those petitions advocating a measure that would cause a tax or fee increase be required to pass under stricter guidelines than a simple majority?
Initiative Petitions are good on some issues. The process is working now, why change it. Yes any tax or fee should have to have a vote ballot question.
• Do you believe the Nevada legislature should address the illegal immigration problem in the same manner as Arizona recently did? Elaborate.
Yes, we need to get control of the illegal immigration. If that takes a new law to get this done then we should do that. Illegal is illegal no matter what you call it.
• To what degree should the state support those students attending Charter schools and schools of choice? Do you support these programs?
I am in favor of vouchers for all private schools. Their students have higher test scores than public schools.
• How would you propose determining and rewarding outstanding educators?
I feel this is a school district issue.
• How would you address improving the performance of Nevada’s public school students?
Let the school districts have more control on how this is done.
• Do you support Nevada’s Right-to-Work law? Should Nevada State employees be allowed to unionize?
I am a big supporter of Nevada Right-to-Work law. I am opposed to Nevada State employees unionizing.
• If elected, will you vote to uphold the legislated sunset clause on many of the tax hikes approved by the 2009 legislature? If so, how do you propose addressing an estimated revenue deficit of between $2 to $4 billion?
If elected I will vote to let all tax hikes to expire. Reduce the spending in Carson City. The SAGE commission has many good cost cutting measures that have not be been acted on. We need to start there and continue to make more cuts.
• Do you support ‘prevailing wage laws’ for state and local government construction projects? Elaborate.
I believe ‘prevailing wage law’ should be revoked on all construction in Nevada. This alone costs millions in tax dollars.
• State tuition support of in-state students at Nevada’s two universities ranks far above the national average. Would you support reducing the amount of this support in an effort to reduce budget deficits? Elaborate.
At this time I would not be in favor of reducing. This small reduction would have little effect on the budget.
• There have been legislative efforts in Nevada and other states to allow voter registration up to the day prior to or on voting day. What is you position in regards to this issue.
Our voter registration system works as is. This has no benefits to the voting and could lead to voter fraud.
• The Missouri Plan for electing/appointing judges will be presented to Nevada voters in November 2010. Do you support the Missouri Plan? Elaborate.
The Missouri Plan of appointing judges, takes away another voters right. We need to elect our judges in Nevada.
• Is there an issue you would like to elaborate on that I have failed to address? Go for it….
I would like to see Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon laws to be similar to AK, AZ, VT.