(Lori Piotrowski) – Election years seem to drag on and on, especially when we’re bombarded with such negativity, and then suddenly the election is over and we’re left wondering what in blazes happened to the time. Well, the CCRP is taking a month to catch its breath, celebrate Christmas with all its members, and then hit the ground running in January.
To that end, we have new committees and new projects to tackle, and we’d like all interested parties to join us. We have a busy year in Carson City, and a new Legislative Affairs committee to keep tabs on what’s happening. Harry Fields, coalition director, has formed a Second Amendment Coalition to provide firearms training, legislative updates, special events, and more.
Carl Bunce, precinct administrator, is looking for active volunteers to energize their precincts. Sign up on on the CCRP Web site.
In Washington, there are plans to push through more legislation. Be wary of what these folks are planning–remember how health care was passed! On the slate are START, the DREAM Act, tax cuts, and more. Stay alert!
It’s tempting to fill our December days with baking special treats, decorating our homes, and preparing for guests. But this month is special because it is also a time for giving. Many Republican clubs and civic organizations have organized toy and clothing drives to help out those who are less fortunate. Give what you can and be blessed by that act.
When Woody Stroupe was elected to vice chairman of the CCRP in November, a few changes were made to some of the committees. One was to name Phil Regeski, executive board member of District F, to chair the newly formed Legislative Affairs Committee. Phil is looking for a few extra members to help him track legislation as it happens in Carson City. If you’re interested, please contact him at ebseatf2@clarkgop.org.
(Lori Piotrowski is Communications Director for the Clark County Republican Party)