(Richard Scotti) – The Founders of this great nation knew that to help make a “more perfect Union”, they must begin with strong states. Many of those same Founders served diligently in State Houses for the same values we are fighting for today, Liberty, lower taxes and freedom from oppressive government.
It is in this context that the Clark County Republican Party is embarking on an ambitious, but achievable plan to help Nevada Republicans regain control of the State Assembly. Down now 28 seats to 14, the Republicans need to switch eight (8) seats to pick up the majority. There are three keys to victory:
First, Republicans must get out the vote by a 5% higher margin than the Democrats.
Second, Republicans must demonstrate 7% greater loyalty to their candidates than the Democrats will show to their own.
Third, Republicans must work hard to attract 2/3 of the non-partisan voters.”
With these three keys applied to the existing voter statistics, Clark County will pick up seven (7) seats, and be close to getting two others, while holding on to the existing six (6) seats.
If the other Nevada Counties use the same keys, they could, in theory, pick up another five (5) seats. This can be done as long as we keep pace with the Democrats in voter registration. Think what we can do if we cut the statewide registration gap in half.
Folks, get ready for a landslide!
(Scotti is Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party)