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November 17: Clark County Republican Central Committee meeting at The Orleans beginning at 6:00 pm. Political pundit Jon Ralston will be the special guest speaker.

November 17: Patrick McNaught, Republican candidate for Senate District 12 is holding a fundraiser at the M Resort, Spa & Casino (Messina 1, 2, 3, 4) in Las Vegas from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Suggested Contributions: Individuals $250, Couples $500. RSVP to Valerie Pachulski at or 702-524-6012

November 18: Montandon for Governor meet-and-greet for the Home Schooling Community from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at 3574 W. Cheyenne , Suite 109 in Las Vegas.

November 18: Elizabeth Halseth, Republican candidate for Assembly District 13 in Las Vegas, is holding a fundraising at the home of Maureen Karas and Kevin McCabe from 6-8 pm. RSVP to

November 18: Washoe Republican Women hold their monthly luncheon meeting at the Atlantis Casino Hotel. Registration is at 11:30 am. Luncheon at 12:00. The price is $20.00 with reservations and $25.00 for walk-ins. To RSVP, please call Sandi Smith at 757-0228 or email State Senator Mark Amodei will be the featured speaker

November 19: Boulder City Republican Women are hosting a Republican Senatorial Candidates Forum at 11:30 am in the Banquet Room of the Railroad Pass Hotel & Casino, 2800 S. Boulder Hwy. Sherman Frederick, Publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal will be the Master of Ceremonies. Candidates scheduled to speak are: Mark Amodei, Sharron Angle, Chuck Kozak, Bill Parson, Danny Tarkanian, Dr. Robin Titus and Mike Wiley. Sue Lowden will be represented by Lorraine Hunt Bono, former Nevada Lt. Governor. Lunch is $20.00 and an RSVP is required. Please call (702)393-1228 or for reservations by November 16.

November 19: “Grill the Candidate” fundraising barbecue for Mike Wiley. Memphis Championship Barbecue (1401 S. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas) from 6:00 – 7:30. Minimum Contribution: $35/person or $60/couple. RSVP: Brett Chabert – or call 702-412-5203 with any questions. Reservations required by 11/16/2009

November 20: Young Republicans of Northern Nevada meeting at the Li'l Wal from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. For more information go to

November 20: School Board District F candidate Barbara Altman is hosting an Old Fashioned Barbecue from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Captain’s Cove (2902 Lake East Drive in Las Vegas). $35.00 Per Person. RSVP to Martha Kimpel at or (702) 362-8050.

November 21: Republican gubernatorial candidate and former North Las Vegas Mayor Mike Montandon will be at a meet & greet hosted by Angela LoGiuratto from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 am in Carson City (612 Ivy Street). A continental breakfast will be served. Please RSVP by Wednesday, Nov. 18, by calling 884-1482 or 884-4000. This is not a fundraiser.

November 21: Project Americans Coming Together (PACT) will be held at the Carson City Plaza Conference Center. Doors open at 3:30 pm, event begins at 4:00. Twelve Nevada candidates are confirmed for the Town Hall/Q & A event. Price per person is $10, which includes dinner. Make check out to “PACT” and send to Cathie Tierney, 2020 Shadow Brook Ct., CC 89703, or call 884-3381. Web site:

November 24: Mt. Rose Republican Women monthly meeting at 5:30 pm. To RSVP, please e-mail

December 4: First Friday Happy Hour Brewhaha and CHRISTMAS (not “Holiday”) Party in Las Vegas. Tentative invited VIP guests include Nevada Congressman Dean Heller and Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform. Visit

December 5: Pachyderm Poker Party/No Limit Hold 'em Tournament. Grand Prize: $1,000. The fee to enter this event is $100. Santa Fe Station Poker Room in Las Vegas starting at 10 am. Refreshments: Pizza Party starts at 11:30 AM – All players eat Free. For more info go to

December 9: Sierra Nevada Republican Women’s Christmas Party at Genoa Lakes Golf Resort in Jacks Valley. 5:30 – 6:30pm cocktails. Dinner served at 6:30. Cost is $30 per person. Please RSVP by Dec. 1st to: Nancy Jarvis @ or 775.267.6937

January 8: First Friday Happy Hour Brewhaha (we know, a week late – need to let people recover from their New Year’s Eve parties!). Visit

February 5: First Friday Happy Hour Brewhaha. Visit

February 6: Citizen Outreach’s “Reagan Tribute” in Las Vegas. Details to come.

May 12-13: Conservative Leadership Conference in Las Vegas co-hosted by Citizen Outreach and Americans for Tax Reform. Details to follow.