Cuckolded Hubby Only Figure Sleazier than Nevada Senator

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(Mike Zahara) – Who is the legal genius advising Doug Hampton, or is he ignoring his counsel’s advice by speaking to the New York Times?

His contradictory accounts now have him failing to take responsibility for his conduct, so you have to keep asking if Doug Hampton’s sexual hurt and anger, plus the very public sexual rejection by his own wife, is worth going to prison and becoming a convicted felon?

Apparently it is for Doug Hampton.

Being rejected by his own spouse would hurt; demanding 8.5 million bucks for his sexual boo-boos loses him all public credibility and sympathy however.

You as a media consumer must consider that 8.5 million in every sentence written about any of this; the media prefers that you don’t do that.

John Ensign is likely to maneuver out of trouble because he can claim many different things, but may still face an Ethics Committee sanction, though I wouldn’t bet on it given Chair Barbara Boxer’s lifelong corruption going back to her Marin County Supervisor days or that the always corrupt Rep. Charles Rangel, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is skating without any prosecution or House sanction for hiding, for years, 500+K in non-declared assets.

Sen John Ensign’s mess seems small potatoes in comparison, doesn’t it; if U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) won’t touch Rangel, Ensign will likely catch that same break.

You would think the local media would be all over the Rangel issue too given that two of our state’s congressional reps are subordinate to him; nary a word about that and total silence from the lefty media in the state.

It’s not at all clear Ensign did anything unlawful as both Allegiant and NVEnergy are longtime supporters and how contact and conversations are characterized, give the senator some wiggle room, where Doug Hampton now has none. CREW is adept at media manipulation and hyperbole; thirst for relevance and money also motivates them.

A lazy local and national media is repeating things, not revealing things.

Doug Hampton has now admitted to breaking the law and gave federal prosecutors a freebie. He belongs in prison, and that’s where he should be headed now.

Doug Hampton’s propensity for sleaze and lying is further suggested in the following New York Times clip of his supposed ‘note’. Did he create this ‘note’ post-event? Hand-writing analysis would likely determine when the message was written could not be verified, but the style of the handwriting writing indicates something other than how such a note would normally look; and yes, this note looks faked to me, and to many others, too.

It was written in the same stream, without interruption, making it look very suspicious. If Doug Hampton faked this ‘documentation’ to further his cause-especially after he left Ensign’s employ-he may be in even more trouble than he is today. You gotta know the FBI is all over that note and not because of its contents.

How stupid can this guy be? No competent counsel would ever allow that to be leaked/given over to the press.

Had Doug Hampton gone to the FBI first, this might have been a whole different story. Doug Hampton played, and continues to play, his cards as poorly as possible. You have a responsibility as a reader to assess Hampton and consider what he’s saying and why he’s saying it; remember he’s not under oath yet, but that all he’s saying can be used against him too.

He’s also on a mission to destroy John Ensign and that should always raise your internal red flag system. He’s probably reconciled himself to going to prison and has decided to just keep firing; that’s why ‘journalists’ have a responsibility to analyze, as well as report.

The more sleazebag Doug Hampton speaks out, the more sympathetic regular people become to Sen John Ensign, who deserves no sympathy.

Here’s how Main Justice in DC Works: They haven’t muzzled Hampton and have been on this since it became public; if he were their immune witness, you’d have never read the NYT piece. There is no bargaining, no deal-making behind the scenes; they want him to keep talking publicly because he’s given them a slam dunk case…against him! Any competent legal counsel would have told Hampton to shut up and only talk to the feds, so they’ve telegraphed what’s not happening with the NYT piece.

Here’s the biggest problem: If the USDOJ decides there’s enough to go forward and perhaps gives Doug Hampton immunity, or even if they don’t, that 8.5 million demand all but ruins a case in front of a jury. Prosecutions like this can total in the many millions of dollars, and with such an exceptionally poor, human garbage star witness like Doug Hampton, it is certain they will give this very careful consideration given that Ensign’s counsel will promise to destroy Hampton and the USDOJ, on cross examination and PR outflow…and they’ll have the money to do it!

It’s a defense attorney’s wet dream come true!

The Ney case has zero similarities, but the Ted Stevens case does. The USDOJ is in no mood for a national embarrassment again and Ensign’s attorneys must be relishing the prospect; that’s why Ensign has been rather relaxed.

Again he is innocent until proven guilty; today, that’s no sure thing at all, and Doug Hampton may have ruined the case for the prosecution with his bizarre conducts.