Dear Governor, You’re Not Alone on No-Tax Island

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(Steve Wibaldie) – Governor Sandoval:

I was not a big supporter of you to begin with.  Even voted for someone else in the primary.  Your reticence on the campaign trail and your refusal to sign the no-tax pledge made me fear you were simply another pol who was going to say what it takes to get elected, then sell out like Kenny “lets make a deal” Guinn, or Bill “the RINO” Raggio as soon as times got tough.  I am glad to say I got some crow to eat on that one.  You have kept every promise you made and I am proud of you for that.

A few weeks back, I saw you give an interview on “Urban Legends” with Jon Ralston.  He did his best to break you down and make you feel as if you are some sort of madman standing alone, and that EVERYBODY but you sees that new taxes are necessary.

“You are alone; you are an island governor; you are the only guy in this state who is not willing to have a conversation about reform versus taxes…You are alone…nobody agrees with you.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Ralston could not be more wrong.  I for one am proud to declare myself a resident of Sandoval Island.  And there are many, many, many conservatives out there who are 100% behind you and the Republicans in the Legislature.  We may not get out in the streets and demand goodies from the state every day; we may not hold children hostage like the NSEA does, but your solid victory over Rory Reid should give you a good feel for how Nevada feels about new taxes to solve old problems.

During the Iran-Iraq war, the Basij would use children to clear mine fields—with their feet.  I assure you the NSEA has about as much concern for Nevada’s children as the Basij did for Iran’s.  I see a lot on the TV news about rallies for education—kids skip class to show their love of education and demand more “funding.”  Never forget that at the end of those puppet strings is a greedy teacher’s union who got too much for too long for doing too little, and now cannot comprehend that the gravy train is over.

Recently I saw Peggy Pierce on TV talking about how we need to “cut and paste” a new tax on Nevada’s big box stores to fund education.  We need to cut and paste Peggy Pierce and send her back to Havana or Pyongyang or wherever she came from.  The Progressives never look at how to cut spending; they believe a new tax will make the world right.  Like Obummer said last week, “If only the rich would give back a little more.”  The Progressives always promise that perfect world is just over the hill if only we will “give just a little more”.

Well, to that I say, “Conservatives can, and do, live their entire lives without asking anything of the Left.  But the Left is not shy. Oh, no, it’s even worse—they feel entitled to other people’s money to pay for their good intentions.  But that promised perfect world is always just out of reach – to which they say “give just a little more”.  At the end of the day it comes down to this:  That perfect world does not exist.  It never has.  It never will.  No matter how much tax money is spent chasing it.  Progressives will never be anything more than leaches on the backs of honorable men.

As long as this state has funding for prevailing wage, as long as Dina Titus gets $100K+ a year for teaching one class, as long as we have athletic coaches making over half a million dollars a year, as long as UNLV has the highest cost of construction per square foot in the state, as long as Nevada’s teachers have enough spare change to pay their union dues—we do not even need to discuss new taxes.  Not on gaming.  Not on mining.  Not on businesses.  Not on individuals.  No new taxes.  Period.

Ronald Reagan once said that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  Likewise, Nevada is at a tipping point of sorts.  There is a liberal progressive agenda afoot in Nevada whose goal is nothing short of destroying everything that is good, honest, noble, and decent about this state and this nation.  Progressives have no honor.  To them the Constitution is nothing more than an antiquated piece of history that was written by our arboreal ancestors—angry white men, brute savages who shot guns and prayed.  The liberal progressives in this state would gladly stomp on the Constitution if they got the chance.  We can never forget that when dealing with the Left. 

The Left will come to you with smiling faces and kind words, and speak things like “common ground” and “compromise,” and imply that we are all just going to sit around the camp fire holding hands listening to Matisyahu as soon as “you give just a little.”  I am sure Eve had kind words and subtle gestures for Adam before giving him the apple – Don’t be fooled.  “Compromise” and “common ground” to progressives are simply code words for “we will be back to steal the rest of it later.”  Never forget that if the Left had majorities, they would cram their agenda down our throats just like they did Obamacare. (OK, that was federal, not state, but the same principle.)  Never forget for a moment what they would do to us if there were a Democrat in the governor’s seat—everything that is good and pure about this state would be gone forever. 

In closing, as you set the field for the real battles of this legislative session, my only complaint about you is that you are too nice.  Heck, you have not cut education enough.  Now is not the time to make friends, make deals, or “compromise”.  Now is the time to straighten our backs, hold our heads high, and stand up for what we believe in.  Stand up for the type of state we want to live in and declare open war on the greed, avarice, and rapacity that is the NSEA.  Just like Chris Christie is doing in New Jersey, and getting a heckuva lot of respect for it. 

Audaces Fortuna Juvat

Ok, the last line was from Gladiator, but it fit perfectly: Fortune favors the brave.
