(Chuck Muth) – The Nevada Assembly Democratic Caucus released its list of endorsed candidates yesterday – and if you’re looking to elect legislators who don’t know beans about private enterprise, how to create real jobs, or how to stimulate economic development but are experienced at sucking off the taxpayer teat and/or are career politicians….these are your guys!
For Assembly District 8 there’s government employee Jason Frierson, chief deputy public defender in Clark County who previously worked as a deputy attorney general.
In Assembly District 11 we have Olivia Diaz, a government employee who works as an English Language Learner (ELL) Specialist at C.C. Ronnow Elementary School.
In Assembly District 14 the Dems are going with Maggie Carlton, a career politician and union waterboy…er, girl. Maggie, like most union agitators, has plenty of experience signing the back of paychecks, never the front.
In Assembly District 18 we have Venicia Considine, who works as an attorney at the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. Just what we need; another lawyer in the Legislature – especially one who works for Democrat Speaker Barbara Buckley’s taxpayer-subsidized organization.
In Assembly District 23, another government employee. Mark Rivero is a fire training officer for the City of Las Vegas Fire Department and a former teacher. Lovely. A representative of the two biggest whiners in the current ongoing budget crisis.
In Assembly District 27, yet another government employee. Teresa Benitez-Thompson works as a hospice medical social worker and was previously the Washoe County adoption recruitment specialist.
For Assembly District 28 there’s Lucy Flores, who has been working for UNLV (in likely an extremely non-essential job, or she would have listed it on her resume) and is completing her last year of law school. Great. Another lawyer with no real world experience in the private sector.
For Assembly District 40 the Democrats have tapped Robin Williamson, a professional politician who has served three terms on the Carson City Board of Supervisors and presently serves on the Carson City Redevelopment Authority, the Western Nevada Development District, the Carson River Advisory Committee, the Carson Valley Conservation District, Nevada Association of Counties, and One Region. If you’re looking for somebody who LOVES government….Robin’s your gal!
And finally, in Assembly District 42 there’s Irene Bustamante Adams who is listed as the director of construction diversity for the MGM Mirage’s City Center. Director of construction diversity? What the hell is that? I’ll tell you: A race hustler.
Anyone who thinks these people have the background, knowledge or experience to fix what ails Nevada’s economy is nuts. These are people who feed off government. People who are net tax eaters, not net tax payers. Their goal will be to defend government at all costs, no matter how many taxes they have to raise.
Problem is, not only don’t Republicans exercise the political smarts to endorse strong, viable candidates in the primary like the D’s just did – they don’t appear to have even recruited any strong viable candidates in these districts.
This election cycle is shaping up to be the best campaign environment for Republican candidates since 1994, but what passes for leadership in the GOP is letting this opportunity slip right through its incompetent fingers. And the rest of us are going to have to pay for it.