(Michele Fiore) – It’s been a big week for the U.S. Supreme Court. After a 5-4 ruling on Friday, same-sex couples can now get married in any state. Following the Supreme Court’s ruling, and their interpretation of the fourteenth amendment, I have one major question. If the court case had been about the ability to conceal carry, which is also legal in most states, would the Supreme Court have made the same ruling? I think we can safety assume they would not have ruled with the same inclination.
Uber has officially made its way onto my naughty list after the company declared that not only are the drivers not allowed to carry guns, but neither are any passengers in the vehicles. This coming from a company who claims that they are not employers, they are independent contractors of drivers who own and run their own business. In a not so surprising turn of events, it only took 2 weeks for someone to rob an Uber driver at gunpoint after the company changed its gun policy. When will people learn that a gun-free zone does not deter criminals, it literally just protects criminals so they can harm the innocent?
Another case that is coming under fire this week is the New Jersey state appellate court that denied a man his concealed weapons permit because his wife is prohibited from owning a gun. Apparently, now not only can you have your rights taken away because of something you have done, but also because you are married to someone who has committed a crime. You can read more about this case here.
Lastly, I want to talk about Switch Communications and their struggle to gain free choice and be independent with their energy. This is a company that has grown over the years and wants to be energy independent. Unfortunately, the Public Utilities Commission denied their request claiming if Switch does this the ratepayers would end up paying for it. This is just not true! My advice to Switch is to take your money, get a lawyer, go energy independent and then fight it. Ultimately the Supreme Court will be on your side because there is no way that the government or a company can force you to be connected to them.
Before the government started crossing the line and making all of our decisions for us, we were the super power of the world. In just 100 years we have allowed our elected officials to gain control of all aspects of our lives. Will the government overreaching ever end? Only if you guys elect true leaders for the people. When do we say enough is enough and take back our rights and freedoms?
Assemblywoman Michele Fiore is the Republican representative for Assembly District 4 in Las Vegas and also the Chairman of the Assembly Policy Committee. She can be reached at Michele.Fiore@asm.state.nv.us.