(NN&V Staff) – Four former Republican Elko County commissioners – Nolan Lloyd, Tony Lesperance, Royce Hackworth and Brad Roberts are supporting independent candidate Janine Hansen for Assembly District 33, saying she is a proven conservative they can trust.
“Elko now has the most liberal County Commission in history,” stated Roberts. “Elko County has been plunged into debt—some $20,000,000! John Ellison has been a big part of voting for that unprecedented spending. That’s why we are endorsing Janine Hansen.
“Janine was named ‘Conservative of the Year’ in 2010 for her lifetime of work at the Legislature. She has attended every legislative session since 1971, campaigning for lower taxes, family values and other issues important to us all. She has a proven record we can count on,” continued Roberts.
“I have known Janine Hansen for many years,” stated Lesperance. “She has never wavered from being a fiscal conservative and she is fiscally responsible. She has great respect for the taxpayer. These are qualities we are going to need in the upcoming budget session.”
“I don’t want an Assemblyman representing me whose idea of fiscal responsibility was to put me the taxpayer $20 million dollars in debt without giving me the opportunity to vote on it,” stated Hackworth. “What is worse is that the $20 million bond will take 20 years to pay off. It will take 5 commissioner terms to pay for the debt. That is not responsible government.
“Janine Hansen has been a true conservative and believes in accountability to the taxpayer. These are the qualities we need in an Assemblyman we send to Carson City during the state budget crisis.”
“As one that supports conservative values I support Janine Hansen,” added Lloyd. “Having served with Mr. Ellison on the Elko County Commission I am concerned that he does not represent these same values.”
“With nearly 18 years in public office John Ellison could be called a career politician. We are all aware that the State of Nevada has a serious budget shortfall. With Ellison’s record on spending, as a member of the Elko County Commission, we have serious concerns about him representing District 33 in Carson City,” concluded Roberts.