GOP Attorney Announces Steps to Prevent Voting Fraud

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(NN&V Staff) – Michael T. Morley, EDO Legal/Litigation Director for the Nevada Republican Party, announced in an email today steps which have been put in place to combat potential voter fraud in this year's election in Nevada.

Dear Republican Leader,

I am the Election Day Operations (EDO) Legal/Litigation Director for the Nevada Republican Party. We are putting together a comprehensive, statewide effort to ensure that we have a free and fair election, and that every validly cast ballot in the State of Nevada is properly counted. We aim to protect the fundamental constitutional rights of all Nevadans by ensuring that their votes are not improperly diluted by illegal or fraudulent votes.

Our poll watchers will be at the heart of this effort; we are seeking volunteers to serve as poll watchers during Early Voting and on Election Day. Our needs are greatest in Clark and Washoe Counties, but we are recruiting, and hoping to have full coverage, for locations throughout the state. Each poll watcher will be assigned a nearby polling location on the date(s) he or she is available, to monitor the voting and identify potentially illegal or improper conduct. Past experience shows that the mere presence of Republican poll watchers often is enough to deter potential fraud or impropriety. We hope to have at least 1 poll watcher at each polling place, and at least 2 poll watchers in each of the larger polling places (such as the “permanent” polling places during Early Voting).

We will send each poll watcher a short guide to explain their duties and what to be watching for, and training sessions will be held in both Clark and Washoe Counties. Crucially, poll watchers are not expected to resolve situations themselves. Their sole function is to observe and report. If a poll watcher sees anything suspicious, he or she will briefly exit the polling location and call our EDO Legal Hotline number. Our Hotline call center will take a full report, so that we have a record of every potential illegality and impropriety that occurs during the election. If necessary, we will then either dispatch a Republican attorney to the polling location to resolve the issue, or reach out directly to the county clerk's or voting registrar's office. Thus, we will be relying on our poll watchers to keep us informed of what is going on in the field. Poll watchers may remain seated at their polling locations; they are not required to stand.

I would greatly appreciate your help in recruiting as many poll watchers as possible. If you or any of your members are potentially interested, please contact my assistant Stacey Barrack with the volunteer's name, address, phone number, e-mail, and dates available. There is no limit to the number of days for which a volunteer may sign up. If a volunteer signs up for a particular day, we generally ask that they commit to remaining for the entire time that location is open but, if necessary, we can schedule half-day shifts.

Early Voting is from Saturday, October 16 through Friday, October 29. Election Day is November 2. The hours for each polling location vary during Early Voting, but on Election Day, each location is open from 7 AM to 7 PM.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that, together, we will ensure that the results of this election accurately reflect the will of the people of Nevada!