Grassroots Lobbying and Issue Advocacy Organization launches in Nevada

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Priorities Nevada Logo(Priorities Nevada) – LAS VEGAS — Nevada political operative Ciara Matthews, announced today the formation of a 501(c)(4) non-profit, Priorities Nevada, which will focus on engaging taxpayers in national and local policy debates and connecting concerned citizens with their lawmakers and elected officials.

“Priorities Nevada is a nonpartisan coalition of citizens, community leaders and other stakeholders interested in promoting a strong economy and an environment of opportunity for Nevada families and businesses,” explains Matthews. “Nevadans are becoming increasingly frustrated with the size and scope of government at all levels; we are here to help connect average Nevadans to their lawmakers during all stages of the policy debate.

“Our goal is to advocate for policies which will promote stronger economic growth, reduce the tax burden, and create jobs for struggling Nevadans,” Matthews continued. “We will also educate taxpayers on where their elected officials stand on specific policy items and encourage them to take action.”

Matthews, a native Nevadan, brings with her nearly a decade of political campaign and communications experience, including the reelection campaign of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former governor Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. She will serve as the group’s executive director. A board of directors comprised of experienced political, legal and policy experts will also oversee the mission and direction of Priorities Nevada. Former Nevada Assemblyman Ed Goedhart will serve as President, while former USS Cole Commander Kirk Lippold, U.S. Navy (Ret.), David Edelblute of Kolesar & Leatham, and former political activists Trent Harper and Jeff White also serve as founding board members.


Priorities Nevada, Inc. is 501(c)(4) nonprofit coalition of concerned citizens, community leaders and other stakeholders interested in promoting a strong economy and an environment of opportunity for Nevada families and businesses. For more information, please visit