(Greg Hafen) – The countdown in on to the start of the legislative session and we have much to accomplish this year.
As the Assembly Republican Caucus leader, I plan to lead much like President Trump. President Trump is transparent, keeps us informed and keeps his promises. I will do the same.
Our first priority as Republicans this session is to support Governor Lombardo’s agenda and do everything we can to get it passed.
Governor Lombardo will tell us his key objectives next week during the State of the State, where he will reveal his plans to keep taxes low, balance the state budget and make historic investments in our students and workforce. Governor Lombardo also plans to build on our progress in education, economic development, healthcare, housing and public safety. We stand with him 100%.
While you may want to believe a united Republican party and a Republican Governor means success is imminent, it sadly is not. Republicans are still in the minority and Democrats have a plan to make sure many of Governor Lombardo’s priorities never get a hearing, like Voter ID and election reform.
They also have no intention of hearing some of our bills to protect women’s sports. This is where our next promise to you comes in, we promise to hold democrats accountable and to expose their refusal to listen to the people.
For example, Nevadans overwhelmingly supported the Voter ID ballot initiative. So why would Democrats refuse to hear a bill on voter ID and election reform? Obviously, if they do that, they are saying very loudly and clearly, they do not care about you and the things you want.
Our final promise to you is to be transparent. Far too long things have been done under the cover of darkness. That ends today. We want you to know what is going on in the caucus and how we plan to serve you.
Afterall, we don’t have a job without you. You are the boss. We work for you. As a result, I am personally making a promise to you to keep you informed with regular emails, town halls and media appearances so you can know without a doubt what is happening in Carson City.
And if you ever have a question or concern, feel free to reach out to me directly. My number one priority is YOU!
Honoring A Local Hero
This week, Assemblyman Bert Gurr and I had the privilege of honoring one of the last, living holocaust survivors in the world today.
Mr. Stephen Nasser was only 13 years old when he was sent to Auschwitz with his family. He has made it his life's work to educate people here, and around the world, about the holocaust and to teach about the importance of faith, family and freedom.
He is an amazing man and I will share more of his story with you on Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27th. #NeverForget
Mr. Hafen is the Republican Assemblyman representing District 36 in southern Nevada