Harry Reid and the Chamber of Anchor Babies

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(Chuck Muth) – Harry Reid was against birthright citizenship before he was for it. And it wasn’t because HARRY changed his mind about the issue; it was because organized labor changed ITS mind about the issue.

Back in 1993 and 1994, Harry was what today is called an “extremist” on illegal immigration. He introduced legislation designed to eliminate “anchor baby” citizenship and railed against the illegal riff-raff invading our country on C-SPAN. Because back then Big Labor had a big problem with illegals coming here and taking “their” jobs.

Fast-forward to 2006. Harry goes to the floor of the Senate and does a mea culpa, sans sackcloth and ashes, saying he had a change of heart on the illegal immigration issue because his wife got mad at him because her dad was an immigrant or some such nonsense.

And if you believe that one, I have a bridge to nowhere for sale.

The far more plausible explanation for Harry’s 180 on this issue is that his handlers at Big Labor, Inc. no longer saw illegals as competition, but as a huge new source of dues-paying members for a movement in serious decline.

Folks, you need to understand that Harry is not a principled politician; he’s the ultimate political opportunist. It’s not what’s in Nevada’s best interest or the nation’s best interest but what’s in Harry’s best interest that dictates his positions.

When it was in his political interest to oppose birthright citizenship because that’s what his core supporters wanted, he opposed birthright citizenship. And when the political winds shifted and landscape changed, he changed with it.

And once you understand this about Harry Reid, you understand why he tossed the Constitution, his president and most of his party under the bus last week when he came out opposed to building that Muslim educational center a few blocks from Ground Zero in New York. There was no principle involved in that decision; it was all about saving his re-election bacon in the fall.

Harry Reid it and weep….and remember in November.