(Michael Zahara/WatchdogWag.com) – I just don’t see the squeaker the talking head-types are predicting in the Reid/Angle race. I think Harry Reid is going to win and that it won’t be a nail-biter.
He probably wins by 2-3 points; which will be a landslide for him.
Do we deserve better than Harry Reid or Sharron Angle?
Near zero community participation, and most people politically and civically brain-dead, and who are more concerned about their next royal rather than their next senator and others, result in the piss-poor choices we face here most times for most offices.
The sad indictment is that we’ve earned these lousy candidates confirming to the other 49 states that we really are a shitty little tumbleweed state and that everyone should just leave us alone so that we can live behind our walls and gates expecting other people will take care of civic things for us.
The improbable and peculiar Sharron Angle has failed to shore up GOP women—one of her weakest links—and that will prove her campaign’s biggest of many, many mistakes. Her naiveté is sometimes childlike, if not charming, and this IAP interloper into traditional GOP western state politics failed from the starting gate after her primary win by hiding for six weeks.
Harry Reid was fortuitous enough to draw the only person in America he could beat
That said, Harry’s re-election also paralyzes NVDEMS for another decade and energizes the GOP to have a banner year here in 2012 and beyond.
Nevada will become crimson, if not ruby red, in just two short years with the Reid win. Obama will not be able to win the state in 2012 with the Reid win, and Democrats have zero chance of taking the Ensign seat which already has Dean Heller’s name on it, when Harry Reid is re-elected either.
This is why I’m voting for Sharron Angle—I’ve held my nose for worse—and I just can’t vote to support Harry Reid for anything anymore but he’ll win regardless and destroy the party along the way.
It’s this simple: Sharron wins and Dems have six years of target practice; Harry wins and the GOP does, and as a political person, I would rather be doing the shootin’ than be shot at.
Senator Harry Reid, the very worst majority leader in American history, will still be around and the sun will still rise in the south and set in the east as only happens here…and so too the corrupt world of Nevada’s incestuous political palimony will continue unabated for as far as one can see into the future.
Palimony is defined as: ‘a financial settlement between two former lovers that, though never married, cohabitated for a significant period of time.’
Doesn’t that describe Republicans and Democrats in this state to the tee? Is there really any discernable difference between them anymore as proven by Harry Reid’s GOP fat cat supporters?
Was there ever?
Harry will be tossed as majority leader (his alleged ‘power’ a major campaign theme diluted the moment he’s shown the door) publicly because of the GOP’s gains in 2010, but really because the White House knows he’s not liberal enough to play the far-lefties for fools while Obama goes to the center toward his re-election campaign, and Harry’s too ineffective and divisive to be of any value to the middle and the right of the Democratic Party.
Harry Reid remains today the most disposable Democrat in the United States to the wings that really run the joint: The Far Lefties and the Progressive Extremists. They still hate him and that’s not going to change so the coup d’etat is coming in the cold, dark night of post-victory.
I really wouldn’t be surprised to see a retirement after his losing SML and Harry heading Interior eventually so that both seats are up in 2012.
We pay homage every two years to the con-artists and shysters who founded this state by electing their successors every other year. And today there’s no greater con-artist here than Senator Harry Reid, again, the very worst majority leader in American history who was just lucky enough to draw an opponent who can’t think outside of the cage she’s constructed around herself and who is running a campaign for Christian school class president, not the US Senate.
Longtime readers remember my story of flying cross-country to DC with Richard Ziser as my seatmate in a beer can flying 555 mph. Though our 5 hours of talking softened my perception of him, I wouldn’t have allowed him anywhere near my campaign if I were Sharron, and I certainly wouldn’t have him trying to broker deals with a guy who’s name would stay on the ballot regardless.
Both Ziser and Angle looked and sounded ridiculous in that episode and not at all ready for prime-time in the Big Leagues.
Republicans would have preferred a Republican candidate, not a IAP-faker in Angle posing as a Republican. Lowden and Tarkanian would have been significant double digit winners, but that was not to be.
Nevada’s earned her choices for US Senate in 2010 and the largely Republican fat cats Senator Harry Reid’s fed for decades win by default and all survive to see another day…
…but Senator Harry Reid loses for winning and Nevada’s future prospects lose along with it.
We’re going backward at warped speed and until ringleader Harry Reid is gone, nothing is ever going to change here and we have no one to blame but ourselves for that.