(Stephen Allott) – Herman Cain was barely on my radar screen as a presidential candidate until I listened to the Fox News debate last Thursday evening. At that event, Mr. Cain appeared to me to be extremely articulate, charismatic and a force to be reckoned with amongst the other well-meaning, but in my view, uninspiring candidates. Knowing that Herman Cain would be appearing at the First Friday social gathering in Las Vegas the following evening, I ventured to hear him speak.
Mr. Cain is like a breath of fresh air. He is bold, forceful, and espouses common sense solutions to our nation’s ills. He speaks with a sense of authority and purpose and refreshing candor. He clearly is not afraid to speak his mind.
On returning home after Friday’s event, I viewed his website (www.hermancain.com). The second paragraph of his home page, which struck like a dagger, commenced with the sentence: “The American Dream is under attack”. As alarming as that statement read, it is indeed true – and has been for a while. The American Dream that has been nurtured, encouraged, and fostered for these last two hundred and thirty-five years is in danger. The American Dream, which has become a reality for countless generations and has been the beacon of hope for millions of immigrants from across the globe, is at a crossroads.
Herman Cain has been fortunate to live the American Dream. His meteoric rise to the top of many large, successful national companies and his broad experience, not only in industry but other avenues of life, belie his humble beginnings. He is a true American success story.
Of course, Herman Cain has no previous political experience, as noted by moderator Chris Wallace in Thursday evening’s South Carolina debate. But given the current state of affairs facing our nation, where our “experienced” politicians have led us, the case can certainly be made that lack of prior experience could be an asset in the present political climate. It is arguable that the freshman congressmen and congresswomen, many of whom have had no prior political experience are shaping and forming the debate and solutions today.
True, aspiring to be President is vastly different from running for Congress. But what Herman Cain brings to the table are his own rich and diverse experiences that have so soundly shaped his values as well as his life. His compelling biography of having lived the American Dream may not make him a unique American – but his life’s experience is uniquely American. Many of the country’s Founding Fathers had little to no political experience. In fact, it is patently clear that they never intended for there to be the “career politicians” that dominate our political landscape today. The intent was surely to elect visionary leaders with experience in not only grappling with the day-to-day issues, but who had the foresight to envision a bright and secure future for our nation.
At this juncture in our country’s history, it is important that in 2012 we elect a President capable of offering a bold future, one who will have the courage and fortitude to act upon the measures necessary to correct our course, many of which will be unpalatable.
The elected President will not only have to offer “hope and change” – but deliver on it. I believe Mr. Herman Cain has the necessary leadership and visionary skills and common sense solutions – a man who is a force to be reckoned with, and, above all, a leader who will not allow “the American Dream under attack” to perish.
(Mr. Allott is owner of SMA Software Services, Inc. and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.)