(Elissa Wahl) – Saturday night I had the opportunity to host a “Meet and Greet” for Sharron Angle, who is running for the US Senate (Harry Reid's spot). Sharron is from the Reno area and served as a Nevada State Assemblywoman from 1998-2006. Sharron is not as well known here in Southern Nevada, but she has been very active in Nevada politics for years. Because I was so impressed by her, I thought I'd take the time to parlay some of her message, to you.
First, she believes in God and feels led to seek this seat. Second, she strongly believes in the Constitution and the America our Founding Fathers envisioned.
Her knowledge of the US Constitution is strong, and her ideas are grand. She is willing to submit bill requests such as; “Congress lives by Congress rules”, “Cap government spending as of 2010 and cut back 5% every year for 5 years (not straight across the board because some things are contracted)….but start cutting non-constitutional entities like Planned Parenthood, EPA, Dept of Ed” Yes, she included the federal Dept of Ed! She even said she'd like to get rid of our NV Dept of Ed too!
Local control is what Sharron Angle is after, and what many of us believe the Founding Fathers wanted.
When I asked her about the UN and the Convention on the Rights of a Child, she was adamant, “NO”. The US should NEVER give up its sovereignty to create some world vision and further, our children are and should remain under OUR control, as parents, and protected under the NV Constitution and our state laws.
Sharron believes that government should not create laws or ratify treaties that limit the rights and freedom of law abiding citizens when there are already laws on the books that punish perpetrators of crimes against children. Those types of laws rarely work in stopping bad parenting but rather are used against law-abiding citizens by over-zealous social workers.
I have to tell you, I not only like what this woman says, but I believe that by using the Constitution as her basis for what she says, she leaves little room for argument. She is strong enough to take this on, and willing. If we can get her elected, we might actually see “change” WE want!
So, I'd encourage you to read up on her, schedule a Meet and Greet of your own if you like, or attend one locally…and see what you think! I've pasted Sharron's record of service below but go to her website to read her positions. Her local Outreach Director is Bob Yeary and he can be reached at 732-8055 or bob.yeary@sharronangle.com.
And I almost forgot to mention, Sharron was the original sponsor of the Homeschool Freedom Bill that passed in the 2007 Legislature. Sharron worked closely with NHN to successfully usher this bill through the Legislature. Sharron has long history with the homeschool community going back to 1982.
So, Nevada Homeschool Network is proud to endorse Sharron Angle for the US Senate!
(Mrs. Wahl is a co-founder of the Nevada Homeschool Network)