I Finally Met Barbara Cegavske After 7 Years!

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(Mike Zahara) – Tears streamed down my face, snot dripped from my nose as I finally met my own State Senator, GOPer Barbara Cegavske, Saturday! Just under 7 years living in the district, somehow, we never ran into each other though Rochelle-y Berkley tries to run me over every weekend when she’s out driving like Mr. Magoo.

This was at a ClarkGOP meeting for their AD & SD races and their county party soldiers planning for the seats they are targeting and drew about 350 people. I expected a lot of anti-Harry invective, Glenn Beck cheer leading, and Sean Hannity loving, and though those kind of folks were certainly there, the meeting was very business-like, people were focused, there was no rallying, rah-rah stuff at all.

It was like a Rotary luncheon in tone and tenor.

I was kind of impressed that I was at a political meeting where party business was actually being done and people were behaving! I’m a Democrat, I had never seen that over 30 years!

Sidebar note to GOPers: You could put out some cake and coffee for your guests ‘ya know, some cookies, some pop; a little ‘nosh never hurt anyone.

No snacks, no fired up troops, it’s just that simple folks!

Harry was mentioned only twice, Steven Horsford once over 3 hours and that really surprised me! The most notable thing? Not many young people there, maybe 10 or so.

Cegevaske’s speech was OK, typical, low-keyed GOP talking points, spoken reasonably and effectively, but the star of the day was a young lady named Monica Moradkhan the ED of the Republican Assembly Caucus; smart, very bright, on-the-ball, knew her stuff back and forth.

I have no idea where she lives, but I’m wondering why the GOP hasn’t recruited her for office. She clearly will be in elective office one day.

I also finally met Tammy Peterson at Paradise last week, and had already met the personable Mark Brandon, and I’m glad our SD is getting some attention, but I will caution both Dems how tough Cegavske is. I’ve worked the precincts here and can attest to that.

If you’re running against her, instead of telling us what’s different and new about you, you’ll both lose to her.

We’ll get into the GOP’s targeted races and their candidates in another piece.

(Mike Zahara publishes the WatchdogWag.com blog)