(Chuck Muth) – Anyone who knows me knows I’m not exactly a social conservative. I am a libertarian-leaning Goldwater conservative. But that doesn’t mean I don’t respect the opinions and commitment of social conservatives here in Nevada even as we disagree occasionally on some issues.
Janine Hansen of Nevada Eagle Forum and Don Nelson of Nevada LIFE are two stalwart pro-life leaders who have paid their dues “made their bones” in politics here. Janine, particularly, covered and communicated what went on during the last legislative session better than the Republican Senate Caucus, the Republican Assembly Caucus, the Governor’s Office and the Nevada Republican Party put together. Nelson, for his part, has been an articulate spokesman and voice of reason for the pro-life community for years, especially in the northern Nevada media.
So you’d have to be a royal jackass to suggest that these two fine, pro-life champions are sleeping with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.
Which is exactly what some jackass named Keith Mason did yesterday.
Mason is the national co-founder of an anti-abortion organization called Personhood USA. And he’s leading an effort to place on the Nevada ballot next year an initiative which he claims will outlaw all abortions in the state, including in cases of rape and incest. And as we discovered on Tuesday, the initiative would also outlaw certain types of birth control. All, purportedly, in an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade.
There’s only one problem.
It won’t work.
Hansen – who the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports today “first testified against abortion in the Nevada Legislature in 1971” – points out that a state constitutional amendment can’t overturn the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision making abortion legal throughout the country. And she, along with Nelson and two other pro-life leaders in Nevada – Lynn Chapman of Nevada Families and John Wagner of the Independent American Party – issued a statement on Monday opposing Mason’s “Personhood” initiative here.
“We the undersigned Pro-Life organizations and individuals do not and cannot support Nevada’s Personhood Initiative,” Hansen, Nelson, Chapman and Wagner wrote. “We appreciate the sentiments of those filing the measure, but recognize that it will not protect the unborn. It will end up giving unlimited power to the courts to perpetuate and expand the disastrous effects of Roe v Wade and will interfere further with any legislative efforts to stop abortion.”
And that’s when Mason went all jackass on everybody.
First, there are two things you should know about Keith Mason….
1.) He doesn’t live in Nevada. He’s an out-of-state agitator who thinks he knows what’s best for us local yokels.
2.) According to the Personhood USA website, “Keith Mason has served in pro-life ministry since 1996.”
Which means Janine Hansen was fighting for the pro-life cause a full 25 YEARS before Keith Mason joined the effort. Indeed, in looking at his rather youthful picture on the Personhood USA website, it appears Janine Hansen was fighting for the pro-life cause while this jackass was still being wet-nursed and potty trained.
And yet, in response to the press release sent out by the Nevada pro-life leaders on Monday, here’s what the jackass Keith Mason had to say yesterday: “They are going against the grain of the majority of the pro-life movement in America. They have joined forces with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU.”
Mason went on to say, according to Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Ed Vogel, that he and his organization would welcome Janine and the others back in the pro-life fold “when they decide they want to continue the fight against abortion.”
Who in the $#%& does this jackass think he is? Janine Hansen, whether you agree with her on this issue or not, sure as heck doesn’t deserve that kind of condemnation and comparison to abortion-provider Planned Parenthood, especially from an out-of-state agitator. Hansen, Nelson, Chapman and Wagner never stopped fighting against abortion. They just think Mason’s initiative is stupid and counter-productive and harmful to their pro-life efforts here in Nevada.
And for that this jackass Keith Mason accuses them of being in bed with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU?
Have I mentioned that Keith Mason is a jackass? I’d hate to think my opinion of the guy was too vague.
And since Janine, Don, Lynn and John are way too polite and dignified to say what really needs to be said here, let me conclude with this: Hey, Keith, up yours!