(Jesus Marquez) – During his recent swing through the Silver State, President Trump highlighted many unpleasant realities the Biden campaign is starting to face about their candidate, including his lack of a message that appeals to Hispanic voters.
The Census Bureau estimates that Nevada’s population is 29 percent Hispanic, making this a matter of serious concern for the Biden camp.
Poll after poll is showing Biden doing dramatically worse among Latino voters than Hillary Clinton did in 2016, compounding warning signs that have been lurking since at least last year. Biden’s poor performance among Hispanic voters in the Democratic primaries tends to confirm those suspicions. In Florida, where Clinton won the Hispanic vote by 27 points in 2016, a recent NBC News/Marist poll has the President winning Hispanic voters outright. Another has him ahead among Hispanic voters even in heavily-Democratic Miami-Dade County.
In Nevada, Clinton won Hispanic voters by 31 points, yet only ended up winning the state’s electoral votes by a razor-thin margin of fewer than 30,000 votes. Any Trumpward shift in Hispanic support that even comes close to what we’re seeing in Florida would hand Donald Trump a convincing win in Nevada.
The Biden campaign knows it — and they have only themselves and their candidate’s embrace of the far left to blame. It turns out that Hispanic voters aren’t nearly as supportive of ethnic pandering, open borders, defunding law enforcement, and enabling rioters as Biden and his political consultants once believed.
In the interests of indulging a mostly-white coterie of radical activists who claim to speak for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and every other demographic they can possibly define as an “oppressed” minority group, Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party provided moral and political cover for rioting, looting, violence, and the wanton destruction of American history. After months of vandalism, arson, and even murder, Democrats didn’t even mention the rioters during their recent convention, even though Biden’s running mate and more than a dozen of his campaign staffers donated money to help bail those rioters out of jail.
Instead, the Democratic National Convention put “systemic police racism” — a foul slander on the brave men and women who put themselves at risk to protect businesses, private property, and public monuments — front and center.
The entire strategy almost seemed calculated to alienate Hispanic voters. Latinos don’t empathize with Antifa rioters over the Las Vegas police officer who was shot in the head and paralyzed while keeping us safe from them. We don’t identify with the people burning down churches, businesses, and police stations. We identify with the people whose livelihoods are being destroyed by senseless destruction. We don’t consider the majority-Hispanic U.S. Border Patrol to be an analog of the Nazis, as Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does, nor do we agree with Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, who has claimed that ICE Agents are the successors to the Ku Klux Klan.
Most Hispanic Americans want the same things as every other rational American: law, order, protection from criminals, and national unity. Democratic pandering about “native land” and “indigenous blood” is a tawdry trick designed to divide us.
As President Trump said during his rally in Henderson on Sunday, “Nevada was founded by pioneers and prospectors, miners and cowboys, innovators and trailblazers who tamed the frontier.”
Hispanic Nevadans were among the very first of those pioneers. Just as our businesses were among those that rioters tried to burn and loot in Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, and elsewhere, it’s our history as much as everyone else’s that the so-called “peaceful protesters” tried to tear down in the name of “racial justice.”
The one policy proposal that Biden offers in a naked effort to pander for Hispanic votes is open borders, which Democrats seem to believe appeals to us on the basis of some imagined racial solidarity with every brown-skinned person south of the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s simply not true. The President again stated the reality of the matter perfectly on Sunday.
“Our Hispanic population knows our Southern border better than anybody else. And they don’t want criminals coming across,” he said. “They want people to come across, but they want them to come across legally. And we have the strongest Southern border now that we’ve ever had.”
Hispanic-Nevadans today have much more in common with our pioneering ancestors and our many Hispanic heroes in law enforcement than we do with the tiny minority of people trying to set our country on fire in the name of racial grievance. This November, we’ll be standing with President Trump in far greater numbers than before. Biden’s handlers made the wrong calculation — and it’s already keeping them up at night.
Jesus Marquez is an Advisory Board Member for Latinos for Trump.