Libertarians host first annual Government Sucks Day

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( – Forget the Tea Party protests. Forget the 9/12 project. Libertarians are gathering in Texas for an event that cuts to the heart of the freedom movement: big government sucks.

Billed as the First Annual National Government Sucks Day Rally, the event is being held by and for small government and no government activists only. Karen De Coster, writing from her web page, has extended an open invitation to all “Libertarians, Anarchists, Objectivists, and followers of Ron Paul. Front porch radicals and independents are free to attend, as well. No Astroturf’ers allowed.”

That last refers to widespread evidence that many Tea Party protests, whether openly or covertly, have been hijacked by the Republican Party, and since the 9/12 Project is the brainchild of conservative Fox News ranter Glen Beck, both movements are seen by many libertarians as primarily anti liberal government rather than anti big government. (“Astroturf” in this context denotes a “fake grassroots” event.)

The lineup of scheduled keynote speakers, as of this writing, include:

• Karen De Coster – Libertarian activist, freelance writer, columnist, and self-described “theoretical Rothbardian.”
• Mary Ruwart – Longtime Libertarian Party activist and candidate, and former board member of ISIL, FIJA, and the Michigan chapter of Heartland Institute.
• R. Lee Wrights – writer, political activist, American History buff, Libertarian Party At-Large Representative, and co-founder and editor of the free speech online magazine Liberty For All.
• Other speakers, according to the Libertarian Party of Texas newsletter, include Texas LP Chair Patrick Dixon and Executive Director Robert Butler.

Also scheduled is a “Special Event” by Kevin Tuma, enigmatically called “The Kangaroo Court Military Tribunal of Uncle Sham.”

Tuma is best known as the prolific creator of uncompromising freedom movement political cartoons (many examples of which can be seen at Kevin Tuma's Blog and Tuma's Toons) but is also a freedom writer at Tuma's Voice.

Organizers also hint at “a few various renaissance faire entertainment acts.”

And they definitely invite one and all to stick around for the bonfire at dusk.

Here is everything you need to know about:


Village Square at Middlefaire Renaissance Festival
Hillsboro, Texas

• Saturday, November 7 – 11 AM until Dusk
• Drinks and Hot food available for purchase (BYOB)
• Spacious flush toilets – no Port-a-Potties

Voluntary donations to benefit National Government Sucks Day and the Libertarian Party gratefully accepted.