Mini-Muth’s Truths: November 17, 2010

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“As the circular firing squad continues in the wake of Sharron Angle's loss to Harry Reid, the true dysfunction of what went on inside the GOP nominee's campaign continues to amaze,” writes Jon Ralston in the Las Vegas Sun today. Among the OMG items disclosed:

“Team Angle put campaign volunteers through a three-hour indoctrination. Included was an instruction of what to do if anyone came into the office who looked like a Democrat, a Reid supporter or a member of the media — they all look alike! — and that order was to dial a certain extension in front of the interloper and say, ‘It's time to water the plants.’ Sounds like Don Adams might have been on the other end of the line. You can't make this stuff up, folks.”

Ralston goes on to note what I reported here a few days ago in Silver State Confidential: that the professionals brought in to try to save the campaign referred to the locals as “The Island of Misfit Toys.”

Oh, and rumor has it a trio of the misfits are planning to take their wildly unsuccessful experience running Angle’s southern Nevada operations and open up their own political consulting firm! Misfits, Inc.?

Yep, Sharron Angle was possibly the only candidate other than Mike Wiley who could have possibly lost to Harry Reid this year.

Last week, Assembly Democrats announced with much fanfare and media coverage the list of chairmen and members of various committees – including a cocktail waitress and union activist being put in charge of the committee on agriculture and mining. Makes perfect sense.

Well, yesterday morning the ranking members and committee assignments for the Assembly Republicans were made official. The press release from Minority Leader “Tax My Meat” Pete Goicoechea and his crack caucus director should be coming out any time now. Any time. Any… Oh, forget about it.

Look, here’s all you really need to know about the committee assignments and how badly taxpayers are gonna get screwed in the state Assembly next year: There are only two Taxpayer Protection Pledge signers (Ed Goedhart and Pete Livermore) on the 13-member Taxation Committee (wait…weren’t they going to rename that?) and only one Pledge signer (John Hambrick) on the 15-member Ways & Means Committee.

We’re doomed.

On November 12, LVRJ columnist John L. Smith wrote that “Maddy Graves' Southern Highlands sendoff featured a dust-up between a pair of very unlikely combatants.” No other details. No ID’s. And I didn’t really think that much about it. But last night I was told who the combatants were.

Donna Ruthe, wife of former Stardust executive Chuck Ruthe, is in a nasty lawsuit battle with Jeff Guinn – son of the late Gov. Kenny Guinn and former First Lady Dema Guinn – over a real estate investment gone bad. And at the post-funeral reception at the Southern Highlands Country Club, Ruthe confronted Dema and the pair got into a heated confrontation which ultimately resulted in Ruthe b*tch-slapping the former First Lady.

Something tells me we haven’t heard the last of this little incident.

Speaking of John L., in his column today it’s revealed that North Las Vegas Police Officers Association President Terrence McAllister “is a sergeant who, by contract, works full-time for the union at city expense.”


First, it’s not at city expense; it’s at taxpayer expense. And why are the taxpayers paying the salary of police sergeant not to patrol our streets and keep bad guys from doing bad things but instead working full-time for a greedy public employees’ union hell-bent on squeezing every last dime it can out of taxpayers’ wallets?

This is yet another example of why public employee contracts need to be approved by a vote of the people in the future.

Speaking of North Las Vegas, a 40-year-old man shot and wounded a 17-year-old punk who broke into his house early Monday morning.

Bravo! But the home-owner needs to take some shooting lessons. By only wounding the dirtbag, taxpayers will now have to pay for a lengthy court trial and incarceration instead of a simple funeral.