(Chuck Muth) – That small band of whacked-out Ron Paul supporters who can’t get over their obsession with the meaningless delegate vote at the 2008 Nevada Republican Convention report that they’ve discovered a missing box of ballots cast for the 2nd congressional district delegate seats and will open the box with great fanfare and excitement on Friday afternoon in Reno.
Wayne Terhune, a leading “Paultard” who attempted to organize a rogue convention restart separate from the official GOP convention, sent out the following breathless announcement yesterday…
Last week, Republican National Committeewoman Heidi Smith contacted my daughter, Jennifer. Heidi obtained a key that she believed might be the key to the locked box containing the Congressional District #2 (CD 2) Republican National Convention delegate ballots from the Nevada State Republican Convention held on April 26th, 2008 at the Peppermill Hotel/Casino.
As you may recall, the counting of the ballots from CD 2 was never completed due to the premature and illegal closure of the State Convention. When the Convention was shut down, the counting of the ballots was halted in midstream. Following the orders of Party leadership, the CD 2 ballots were placed into a locked box at the Peppermill cashier's cage. Previous attempts to retrieve those ballots (including prior to the State Convention continuation on June 28th, 2008) have been unsuccessful due to the complete uncooperation of party officials.
Since April 26th, the validity and even the existence of those ballots has been questioned. As many of you know, the delegates from CD 2 were, in the end, appointed to the Republican National Convention by the national Republican leadership.
On Wednesday, October 21st, I was part of a group of concerned Republicans who met with National Committeewoman Heidi Smith at the Peppermill to attempt to determine the fate of those legally cast ballots. One of the original participants, October Pawlik, who was present when the ballots were originally locked away on April 26th, attended this investigation.
In box #99 at the Peppermill's cashier's cage, we found the ballots from CD 2. The seals on the envelopes containing the ballots were unbroken. Ms. Pawlik stated that the envelopes containing the ballots, and all the contents of the locked box, appeared to be undisturbed since April 26th. Again, the seals on the envelopes (with signatures of the observers across the seals) were unbroken. We immediately placed the ballots into a different locked box at the Peppermill cashier's cage. National Committeewoman Heidi Smith retained the key to that box.
Although the National Republican Convention is long over, we are determined to have these ballots counted. We believe we have the obligation to determine the outcome of that vote, in the interests of justice, for the record, as well as for the health and unification of the Republican Party itself.
The ballot count is tentatively scheduled take place at the Washoe County Republican Party headquarters this Friday, October 30th, at 4:00 pm. A limited number of volunteers are needed to count votes and to observe the vote count.
Upon learning of this miraculous discovery, scores of Paultards went into a deep, collective Borg-like trance statewide, eyes rolling into the backs of their heads, bodies shaking uncontrollably. Fortunately one of the leading wingnuts, Robert Holloway, briefly re-entered semi-reality long enough to send out the following “holy cow!” notice…
“A group of Republicans in Northern Nevada has managed to recover the ballot box that was confiscated as the convention was abruptly halted in April of 2008. The ballot box was found intact and was moved to another lock box at the Peppermill. It will opened and counted on Friday. As appropriate for such a haunting reminder of foul deeds of the past, it will be opened on the day before Halloween. I wonder if Geraldo Rivera will be there.”
Here’s how Wikipedia explains the Geraldo reference for those of you who missed it:
“The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault was a one-time live American television special broadcast in syndication in April 1986 hosted by Geraldo Rivera. The program was centered around the opening of a secret vault once owned by noted gangster Al Capone. The program is now perhaps best-known for the vault being ultimately empty except for debris.”
Sounds like the reference to Geraldo will prove dead-on, as no matter what is found in the missing ballot box, it will mean….nothing. John McCain will still have been the GOP’s presidential nominee, not Ron Paul. And Robert Holloway will still be a bozo.