To listen to the mainstream media, you’d think everybody hates Donald Trump. But that crowd in Melbourne, Florida on Saturday told the real story. The man’s base is strong and wide – and getting stronger and wider.
The president, still a “newbie” politician, is getting better and better with each speech and public appearance. And while his style is completely different, I’m starting to think President Trump might give Ronald Reagan a run for his money as “The Great Communicator.”
It’s not just the words. It’s not just his delivery. It’s his innate ability to strike a chord with his audience and followers. Recognizing that guy in the crowd from a TV interview earlier in the day and calling him up on stage? That was a thing of beauty.
And he did it even though everybody on the planet knew the Secret Service was going to have a cow over it. Message: I’m the boss. I’m in charge. We’ll do it my way. Let the guy onstage.
Also, this is a subtle distinction, but an important one…
Donald Trump isn’t trying to reach across the aisle and find common ground with Democrats and independents. He’s evangelizing. He doesn’t want to simply work with them. He wants to convert them. He wants them on his team.
If the RNC was smart, they’d recognize this and tap into it for a massive voter registration campaign along the lines of what former Chairman Haley Barbour did with southern Democrats in the mid-to-late 1990s in preparation for a 50-state re-election sweep in 2020.
It’s now been a month since Donald Trump was inaugurated. And it still feels like every day is Christmas for Republicans, conservatives and Main Street Americans. Go, Donald, go!
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Can we all agree that NOBODY but the mainstream media and Trump-haters – but I repeat myself – give a rat’s pitooey what Sens. John McCain or Lindsey Graham think or have to say about anything related to the Trump administration?
P.P.S. Maybe it’s sexist. Maybe it’s shallow. But I absolutely LOVE seeing Melania Trump at public events. Especially Saturday when she opened the Trump rally by reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
Such style. Such grace. Such humility. Such beauty. Making the First Lady Great Again.
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Save the Date: The Nevada Republican Central Committee will be meeting in Carson City on Friday–Saturday, March 17-18th. I’m planning on coming up a day early and do a campaign training seminar Thursday night on “Fundraising.”
This will be a brand-new workshop, unlike anything I’ve ever done before and unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Not only will it be INVALUABLE for candidates, party leaders, organization heads, grassroots activists and campaign staffers, what I’m going to be sharing at this workshop will also benefit any small business owner, entrepreneur or sales professional.
What you’ll learn at this particular workshop will be worth thousands, tens of thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars to you and your operation if you actually do what I’m going to show you. It is absolutely amazing and the results are absolutely incredible.
And ANYONE can do it – even if you’ve never been a fundraiser and absolutely HATE the idea of asking people for money. In fact, these strategies absolutely put the “fun” in fundraising – for both you and your donors.
I don’t know what the fee to attend will be yet. But I do know seating will be strictly limited – and $195 would be cheap for this information and well worth the price of admission. In fact, if you live in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Los Angeles or San Francisco, I guarantee it’ll be worth the cost of airfare – and probably worth 10, if not 100 times that amount.
Seriously, there is NOBODY on the planet teaching what I’m going to teach you at this particular workshop – and I don’t know if or when or where I’ll teach it again, especially in northern Nevada.
So if you’re interested in learning how to raise more money (or sell more products/service) than in your wildest dreams, call the babysitter and set aside the evening of Thursday, March 16, 2017, on your calendar.
Details to follow…
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“They (the media) have a formula, they have a blueprint for destroying Republican political officials they don’t like. It’s not going to work on Trump. He doesn’t fit that mold. They’re trying to every day. It’s kind of comical to watch. . . . Trump won the election, on substance. Trump did more interviews. He explained his agenda more than any political presidential candidate ever has in my memory. And he has tried to stick to it.” – Rush Limbaugh