Muth’s Truths: February 2, 2017

As the saying goes in politics, personnel is policy.  And with very few exceptions, conservatives should feel REALLY good about the personnel President Donald Trump is surrounding himself with.

And not just the high-profile cabinet appointments and nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

I just read that a guy almost none of you have ever heard of, Paul Teller, has been hired as “Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs at The White House.”

I don’t know exactly what that is, but I do know Paul.  And I guarantee if he was hired for it, it’s significant.  More importantly, Paul is one of “us.”  A true movement conservative with a backbone who ain’t afraid of a fight.

If you’re a conservative, it’s felt like Christmas Day every day since January 20th, hasn’t it?


Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs

P.S.  On the National Popular Vote Compact, believe me…I get it.  I had the same initial reaction as pretty much every single person who wrote (thank you, for that, by the way!) in opposition.

But stay tuned.  There’s more to this issue than meets the eye at first blush. Not saying I support it.  Just saying I’m keeping an open mind to the arguments.  Stand by…



Since Shallow Graves are Illegal, There’s Only One Way to Deal with Raiders’ Owner

Back in the old days, if some out-of-state shyster rolled into Vegas and got caught trying to cheat the house, there’s a good chance you’d find him black-and-blue and unconscious inside a trash dumpster in some dark alley – or worse.  And after learning of the scam Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis tried to pull on us this week, I found myself missing those old days.

Make no mistake: The ONLY reason many of us supported the proposed Las Vegas Dome stadium project was because Sheldon Adelson was involved.

From his wildly successful Comdex convention to the Sands Convention Center to the Venetian and Palazzo resorts, Adelson has a long and impressive record of business success in Nevada and has been a valuable job-creating/revenue-generating member of our community.

If Sheldon was willing to invest $650 million of his own personal money in this project, the odds were it would be a success.  And with Sheldon involved, it was far more likely that the public portion of the funding for the project would be protected and, ultimately, profitable.

Davis, on the other hand…

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“In 1944, 18 year-olds stormed the beach at Normandy into almost certain death.  In 2016, 18-year-olds feel unsafe because words hurt their feelings.  This country is in deep sh*t!” – Author unknown

“If (Supreme Court) Justices Ginsberg and/or Breyer leave the Court then President Trump will have the opportunity to change the makeup from 5-4 Conservative to Liberal, to 6-3 or even 7-2. That would represent a huge difference in the types of cases the Court might consider and the decisions it might render; not just for President Trump’s four or eight years, but deep into the 21st Century.  It is easy to see how differently the Court would have tilted had Hillary Clinton won in November.” – Rich Galen,


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