Nevada GOP Goes Aftrer Ensign over DREAM Act

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(Nevada Republican Party) – Please see the information below regarding Senator Ensign and the DREAM Act.

Senator Ensign is being targeted by Organizing for America today, tomorrow and Wednesday. They are organizing phone banks and office visits to both his Las Vegas and northern NV offices to encourage him to vote for the DREAM Act as well as for the repeal of Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell. We knew that he was undecided on Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell, but this is the first confirmation we have that he’s undecided on the DREAM Act.

Please take a minute to call or fax his office to help balance out the liberal blitz that he’ll be getting. If he’s truly undecided it’s critical that we let him know that his conservative base is watching these votes. Wouldn’t hurt to mention opposition to the Public Safety Employees Unionization Act per my alert of this morning while you have him on the line – remember that a cloture vote on that bill could come as soon as Wednesday.

Here’s Senator Ensign’s contact info:

The Honorable John Ensign
United States Senate
119 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2804

District Offices:

Lloyd George Federal Building, Suite 8203
333 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Voice: 702-388-6605
FAX: 702-388-6501

Bruce Thompson Federal Building, Suite 738
400 South Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89501
Voice: 775-686-5770
FAX: 775-686-5729

600 East William Street, Suite 204
Carson City, NV 89701
Voice: 775-885-9111
FAX: 775-883-5590