Nevada News & Views: September 5, 2017

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#NeverHeller Movement Adds Another to Long List of Grievances

Yesterday, on Labor Day, Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller came out in favor of Barack Obama’s unconstitutional “executive amnesty” program, known as DACA, telling the Reno Gazette-Journal in a statement, “I’ve made clear that I support the program.”

Oy, vey.  More aid-and-comfort.

I am now convinced that Heller – who has been a professional politician in Nevada since 1990 – is intentionally TRYING to lose his re-election bid.

The list of grievances against Heller by Nevada conservatives and Republican primary voters is long – and getting longer by the day.  A sampling…

  • Heller was a #NeverTrumper who helped Hillary Clinton win Nevada in 2016 and almost the presidency.
  • He voted against repealing ObamaCare in 2017 even though it was the exact same bill he voted for in 2015 when he knew Obama would veto it.
  • He opposed the pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio even though the “Get Joe” persecution was a pure political witch hunt by the Obama regime.
  • He opposed President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban on people from seven countries known to harbor terrorists, falsely claiming it was a “religious ban.”
  • He said he has “no problems with federal funding for Planned Parenthood,” the nation’s foremost abortion provider, and declared, “I will protect Planned Parenthood.”
  • He supported Obama’s decision to normalize relations with Castro’s brutal and tyrannical regime in Cuba.
  • He supports same-day voter registration and allowing Democrats to vote in Republican primaries.
  • He supported indefinite extension of “emergency” unemployment benefits long after the worst of the Obama recession was over.
  • He supports taxpayer subsidies for “renewable” energy.
  • As Secretary of State, Heller “short-circuited” the recount in the 1998 John Ensign/Harry Reid U.S. Senate race that Reid won by a mere 428 votes (thanks, Dean!).
  • He’s adopted Reid’s position and misleading rhetoric against the scientific study of Yucca Mountain and opposes any discussion of potential benefits for Nevada’s citizens.

Sen. Heller only won his election to this seat six years ago by less than 11,000 votes against a deeply flawed Democrat opponent – in a race in which almost 100,000 voters voted for “None of the Above” or the conservative third-party candidate in race.

Heller has since successfully turned far more than that number into #NeverHellers.  As such, I’d argue he can no longer can win the general election in 2018.

Republicans, ye be warned.

The Enemy Within

Moderate tax-hiking Nevada Republican State Treasurer Dan Schwartz will launch his campaign to elect a Democrat governor in 2018 later today.

Schwartz is expected to formally announce his candidacy for governor at the Republican Men’s Club lunch in Las Vegas.

It’ll be an ego-driven, self-serving run against Nevada Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt – who has not yet officially announced his own candidacy.  But that’s pretty much a mere formality at this point.

Laxalt is the state’s best hope to elect a fiscally conservative chief executive who will wipe away the stench of GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval’s “progressive” reign and serve as a reliable check against the Democrats’ alt-left agenda in the Legislature.

Let’s be real.  Schwartz can’t beat Laxalt.

All he can do is soften him up and force him to spend money that could be better used against the Democrat in the general and/or help elect more conservative Republicans to the Legislature.

When Schwartz announces his quixotic candidacy for governor today, he should get boo’ed off the stage.

In the meantime, 99.1 FM/FOX News Radio is running an online poll asking who you support in this race.  Weigh in by going to:


“(Nevada State Treasurer Dan) Schwartz’ proposed $6.8 billion budget would continue $470 million in ‘sunset taxes’ and impose a new $5 per passenger ‘facilities fee’ at the McCarran and Reno-Tahoe international airports to raise $540 million over two years.” – Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2/9/15, detailing Schwartz’ tax-hike plan at the start of the 2015 legislative session

Editor’s Note: Schwartz has already informed Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, that refuses to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  Warning, Will Robinson!