(Todd Bailey) – The Nevada Vision Shakedown Group continued its work on Friday, May 14, with an introduction by Chairman Lang. I’m actually being rude, it’s Chairman Dr. Robert Lang, tenured, published, sociology professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, head of Lindsey Institute, and of Brookings Mountain West, the Las Vegas office of the Brookings Institute in Washington D.C.
I have been publicly critical, NOT about Dr. Lang per se, although I do believe he is a dominating personality in any setting, I think it’s just his nature to take over a conversation. He’s the PhD, he’s the think tank guy, this is the new jet set in Las Vegas, since the tourists don’t come around as much.
Before he even set foot in a classroom, right after he got off the plane at McCarran International, he went straight to the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group to be it’s chairman. According to Democrat Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, nobody else in the entire State of Nevada was qualified to come up with an academic reason to raise current taxes, and create new taxes.
Now instead of taking the time to introduce himself in a press release, press conference, or even at the first meeting in some detail, he decided to wait until the last meeting, or what was supposed to be the last meeting. Like all big government projects, this one is going to take longer and cost more, the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group, $250,000 to re-analyze work the feds already did.
And so without mentioning my name directly, which is fine, Chairman Lang did respond to the criticism I have raised about these issues, and you can listen to what he said here:
Many of the members of the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group rushed to Chairman Lang’s defense, claiming it’s GOOD to have an outsider as the person leading the way to raise current taxes, and create new taxes, in Nevada.
If you listen closely, you can hear a lot of black slapping and congratulations, however, the members of the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group really have nothing to be proud about. A backwards process of writing the Executive Summary, before the underlying document, or even before the facts in the document have been established. At the Sociology department at the University of Las Vegas, do they accept term papers with so little academic rigor or a month late, because it’s too important. If it was important, they would’ve gotten the work done, that’s what PhD professors like Dr. Lang always say, they don’t accept work late, and if you don’t graduate who cares.
Of course, those kind of rules don’t apply to the Nevada Vision Stakeholders because what they are doing is so important, and the Chair just simply decided that’s the way it’s going to be. Most of the members of Vision Stakeholders Group were expecting to stay all day to vote on the squishy document they had, but instead of telling everyone that the day before, Dr. Lang just waited until the meeting was starting to let everyone know they just wasted the entire afternoon. Nice work.
Let me see if I can explain this, so everyone understands. IF someone in Brooklyn decided to hire a political lobbyist from Nevada to run their political campaign, and after just two weeks they won, and then that Nevadan was chosen to lead a discussion on cutting welfare, and pushed their values on people they didn’t even know, after living in their town for such a short time, what do you think the reaction would be? What would the level of trust be? Remember were talking about Brooklyn now, not Las Vegas, they don’t get blinded by all the razzle dazzle back there, trust me. Shouldn’t a sociology professor know about that kind of cultural reality in every community, including Nevada? After being forced to take a sociology class as a requirement, I am familiar with this lack of knowledge on the part of such well educated professionals.
It’s not first time someone has moved to Nevada thinking they know so much more then the rest of us, and just like others who’ve chosen the same path to our neighborhood, Dr. Lang will eventually figure it out. To fully understand everything about the relationship between Brookings Mountain West and the University of Las Vegas, I have put in a request for information with Challcellor Dan Klaich of NSHE. It will be interesting to see what they are will to share, how much money is being spent, where that money is coming from, and how the University System in Nevada was able to add all this expensive intellectual capital, after complaining so bitterly about budget cuts to point of open rebellion against the state government over the last 4 years. Yes, that will be interesting.