(Todd Bailey) – Whatever their qualifications, or the results produced, members of the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group has been handicapped from the beginning. Thanks to State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, and his outside constitutional procedure, to fund the Stakeholder Group through a partisan vote at the State Board of Examiners. A complicated mess of state bureaucracy and tax money waste. They really never had a chance to produce anything but an academic reason to raise current taxes, and create new taxes in Nevada.
They even brought in an expert from Washington D.C. to chair the group, because Mr. Horsford didn't feel anyone else in Nevada was qualified to do the job. He's probably right, because most people in Nevada don't want higher taxes, although that is never a point of discussion at the Vision Stakeholder meetings. That fact is treated more like an unspoken dirty little secret.
How else can legislators force something nobody wants, instead of taking responsibility, they blame an anonymous group who knows more than the rest of us dumb voters, and then push their agenda forward with this academic excuse. It sounds like this, “You voters don't understand the need, and I can't seem to explain it, so let's just go with whatever this smarter group of people says, and then I'll force an unwanted policy and tax with that excuse”, says the unaccountable elected official. At a cost of $250,000. Sound familiar? It should, they do it all the time. Taxpayers need watchful eyes and sharp ears to know the truth.
So goes the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group, which now finds itself lost in a Klunky Process, without much work to show, months of meetings by public officials who are supposed to be working at the office, and over $250,000 of tax money spent. Just listen to the sound of the Klunky Process, and try to determine if your money is being well spent.
When the underlying plan is to raise taxes, and create new taxes in Nevada, the goal is very easy to see. Explaining the reasoning behind it is the hard part, especially to someone who lost their job, is upside down in their home, has lost value in all other investments, and had their taxes go up every month of the last year thanks to broken promise politicians in Washington D.C. and Carson City. The question the Vision Stakeholder Group should just come out and ask Moody's is, “How can we fool the people of Nevada without them knowing about it?”, instead of fishing around for consensus on empty policy statements. Listen as some members of the Vision Stakeholder Group are starting to figure this out, and are getting a little uncomfortable.
There never has been an open conversation about the role of government and the role of personal responsibility at the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group. That should have been the first thing decided on, not the last. Listen as one member of the Vision Stakeholders describes how a one size fits all approach to education does not work, and does not accurately reflect Nevada's education accomplishments that happen every year, every day.
How many times have voters been promised something if they will only vote for or support an increase in taxes. Listen to a member of law enforcement complain that after voters hold up their end of the deal, somehow there is a switcharoo, and the money goes somewhere else.
Wonder if they realize that's exactly what is going on at the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group?
A group, where the majority are people who directly benefit from taxation, develop an academic reason to raise current taxes, and create new taxes in Nevada, and when completed and implemented the funding will be used for something completely different. No matter how Klunky, this is the true goal, and if allowed to move forward, this is what will happen with whatever it is the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group comes up with.