Some fun Facebook comments on our post about Cher saying Donald Trump makes here “want to blow my brains out”…
- I'll supply the bullets, in true liberal fashion, for free!
- BB gun oughta handle that lil job!
- You can borrow my 22. That's the only gun I wouldn't miss that much.
- She probably couldn't even load the gun.
- That's an extremely small target. I wish her luck.
- Cher, you don't have any to blow!!!
- Hey, everyone, another excellent reason to vote for Mr. Trump!
- Don't let us stop you. It will certainly help make America great again
- Way to go Donald J. One less progressive idiot to worry about.
- I am sure a gofundme site could quickly raise the necessary funds to get you a really well made gun and sufficient ammo. Bye.
- Go ahead, make my day!
- Just do it.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief
- Trump: I Don't Need to Raise $1B —'I Get So Much Publicity'
- Dershowitz: Sanders Supporters Could Embrace Trump
- Sanders May Ask for Removal of Wasserman Schultz as DNC Chair
- Rep. Collins: Trump Campaign Moving Past Judge Controversy
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- Heritage Foundation's Stephen Moore: GOP Is ‘a Self-Destructive Party'
- Tom Coburn: ‘America Is Greater' Than Either Trump, Hillary
- Sen. Warren: Trump is a ‘Thin-Skinned Fraud'
- Bill O'Reilly: ‘Wasn't My Place' to Defend Megyn Kelly From Trump
- Democrats Soon Will Unify Behind Clinton, Obama Tells Fallon
- David Jolly Pondering Exit From GOP Senate Race
- Clinton Endorsement Imminent, Obama to Meet With Sanders
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- USA Today: Koch Team to Meet With Trump Reps
- 10 Reasons Trump U Case Is a Political Witch Hunt
- Donald Trump Plans ‘Major Speech' to Spill Dirt on Clintons
- Ted Cruz: ‘Time Will Tell' Whether I Endorse Trump
- Kasich: ‘Absolutely' Possible I may not Back Trump at Convention
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- Clinton U: Here's the Other Multimillion-Dollar Fraud Scandal the Media Isn't Telling You About
- Same Old, Same Old: New Ad Brutally Shows How Bill And Hillary Clinton Are Nothing But Liars
- The San Jose Police Statements On The Trump Attacks Are Frightening
- Coulter: Stunning New Development!!! Media Calls Trump Racist
- Rep. Defends Trump: You Wouldn't Let A ‘Muslim-American Of Iraqi Descent' Judge Chris Kyle
- “Mexican” Judge Doing Trump a YUGE Favor
- HuffPost allows op-ed encouraging anti-Trump violence
- Millennials not that excited by prospect of woman president
- News reports mischaracterize Gingrich remarks on Trump
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- Harry Reid says security of country about more than ‘bombs and bullets'
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- At This Rate, The State of Nevada Will Have Blown $112.5 Million For Zilch
- Gaming, Unions, and Politicians Vs. Voters, Taxpayers, and Business
- One of the Stupidest Legislators You’ll Ever Want to Meet
From today’s Morning Score…
“Ending Spending going big in NV-03: Ending Spending is flooding Las Vegas with TV ads the week before Nevada's primaries, trying to boost Michael Roberson over Danny Tarkanian in a battleground GOP House primary. The group, which is chaired by megadonor Joe Ricketts, is up with two television ads in Nevada's 3rd District, one attacking Tarkanian as scandal-plagued and another promoting Roberson, a Republican leader in the state Senate. Ending Spending bought over $1.2 million in TV time to air its ads.”
The only reason these establishment groups would be dumping this much money into this race is if they believe Roberson is in big, big trouble. GOP candidates Michele Fiore and Andy Matthews are both solid conservatives, but the only candidate with a chance to beat Roberson is clearly Tarkanian.
As a conservative, if I was voting today I know who I’d be voting for.
Libertarian-leaning Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has issued two endorsements in Nevada legislative GOP primary races.
He’s officially given his “seal of approval” to Richard Bunce, who’s running for Assembly District 22 in Clark County, and Jennifer Terhune, who’s running for Assembly District 25 in Washoe County.
Both Bunce and Terhune have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
For a complete list of 2016 Nevada candidates who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, click here
For the official 2016 Citizen Outreach PAC endorsement list, click here
“There is only one reason a candidate refuses to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge to the American people. He or she plans to raise taxes.” – Grover Norquist, president, Americans for Tax Reform