Obama’s national monument could derail Yucca Mountain site! . . . NOT!

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Gary Duarte(Gary Duarte of USNEF) – Sunday JUL-12, Las Vegas-SUN . . . “New national monument could derail plans for nuke dump at Yucca!” “Stories” like this which spread false information are how Harry Reid has been misrepresenting Nevada Citizens about Yucca Mountain for the past 30 years! Also, within this timeline, Nevada's Agency for Nuclear Projects has been digging into Yucca Mountain to find science & engineering defects.

So now . . . “This is the final nail in the coffin,” said Robert Halstead, executive director of the Agency for Nuclear Projects, regarding the Energy Department's plans to transport waste from Caliente to the dump via railroad.

After 30 years, their efforts to challenge the science & engineering . . . the final nail in the coffin is an Obama Administration re-designation of a national monument that may hinder this particular rail route!

We have all heard declarations that Yucca Mountain is dead before only to wake up a few days later to see that the true science underpinning the project is still sound and the Mountain is still alive.  Why does Senator Reid doubt the $10 billion of science study that was conducted mostly by Nevada contractors? Does he think Nevadans only understand poker and nothing about physics?

Picking this single route as the “final nail in the coffin” is another “fairytale” by Nevada’s political delegation, Governor Sandoval, Senator Reid and Nevada’s Agency for Nuclear Projects. As with any intelligent planning, several rail transportation routes have been pre-planned by the DOE and this is “just one,” and, if the choice, it would only require “minor” alterations to sidestep the “monument land” touted as the Yucca death star.

Kindly understand that USNEF does not regard the DOE or NRC agencies as America’s nuclear technology saviors. They are government agencies commissioned to research, oversee and regulate America’s free enterprise nuclear industry. The public’s problem is the micro-management of our agencies by politicians, ill-qualified to regulate.

This Obama national monument headline is just another unfounded obstacle setup by Senator Reid and his media minions. If we can educate Nevada’s grassroots on the facts of the Yucca Mountain study, the grassroots tide will sink the obstructionist politicians.


Gary Duarte is the president of the US Nuclear Energy Foundation (USNEF), a non-profit Nevada Corporation educating grassroots Nevada about nuclear energy technology and the Yucca Mountain Project. To know more about USNEF, visit www.usnuclearenergy.org.